Monday, November 09, 2009

Fates, Romans, Countrymen, Lend Me Your Jobs!


Well. Sorry am late. I kinda have a good excuse.... Went up to the 'ho
od of Redcliffe yesterday to sightsee with Kim, and by the time I got the train, got home, had dinner, had a shower, had glass of wine, sat down, my god it was like 9pm! And I was beat. So that's my excuse. But here we are, a cloudy, sort of rainy Monday afternoon.........!

So work. Yep. Nope. Not yet. Plenty of jobs that don't
want me but so far none that do. That's ok, I like to think that's FATE saving me from an ultimately crappy gig working with crazy people. The hunt continues, as does the training and building up the little business....... These things take time, what can I say?!

And then there was the weekend. Started off most excellent with pizza and boardgames at a friend's house. Man, those evenings are always such a
good time. And the time goes so fast and so late! It's also really nice because now that I don't work with 2 of those folks anymore, it's extra nice to see them and catch up. Not sure how much longer we'll be able to have these evenings as their 3rd baby is due in like 3 weeks! Eeeeek! Ahhhh, we'll get the fun in while we can!

And then Saturday. Kim came over after her half-day of work and we went on a marathon walk along the river to 'hood of Toowong. Since we've walked there in a previous episode, we considered it more of a short marathon walk. We had some lunch then headed back to go up to her house in the 'hood of Strathpine to watch movies and pig out on junk food. Hooray! Which was excellent timing as my neighbors downstairs from me were planning to have a huge party (to be nice, I even got up early to bake Mexican Wedding Cookies for them, for their party (cos I'm nice) and kind of as an apology that I wouldn't be able to go to their party like I said I was gonna before Kim let me stay at her house.........) So, yeah, no thank you, their day-to-day noise is plenty for me. So once at Kim's we had the wine open, the movies fired up and chocolate stacked high between us! An excellent, late, evening was had by all!

And then Sunday. We ran some errands in 'hoods I've never been, North Lakes and a couple others, then we headed up to Redcliffe, which is on the sea, and had another really good long walk with ice cream as our finishing prize! Hooray! So yeah, by the time I got home and settled from the weekend, I was absolutely beat. 2 long walks (in the sun mainly) in as many days, had me thinking of mah Big Trip back home and alllllllll the walking I did! But I must say, I sure miss all that walking I did while I was there, cos I sure came back a couple pounds lighter! Must keep up the walks!

And today..... Was up earlyish and busted the chores out like I was having family come to stay. 4 loads of laundry (I think that was everything in the little apartment), vacuumed, mopped, bathroom scrubbed, cat food bought, mailed deposited with the post office (who, incidentally, need a part-time mail sorter.........................hhmmmmmmmmm..............), my god I was a cleaning woman possessed, only the bed is still to be made....... Just had a late lunch and now here I am! Ultimately it's all kinda dull, I'll admit. But that's that for now.............. Am only doing what the bank is telling me to do.........! If you want more exciting stories - money can be deposited to my account at annnnnnnnny Bank of America branch! Hey, now there's a business-blogging idea - people pay the blogger to go on little local trips and then write with cool photos! Think I'll have to set that up.................... Someone send money and I'll go somewhere local and interesting like Longreach, in outback/rural Queensland - it's where Qantas got its start! It would all cost me the low-end of a few hundred $$$ mainly because of flights, but accommodation and food would be cheap.......! What an EXcellent idea! Send money and I can get started today! Will work for adventure (that's what I could call the little business-blog)! Hooray!

Otherwise, hope you're all well up there! Send money, operators are now standing by!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...