Sunday, December 14, 2008

Strollers, Mall, Daze - Xmas


Well. One week down, one more and two days to go until vacation! Yaahhooo! Not that I have any big plans
whatsoever. It'll just be nice to sleep-in everyday for like 2 weeks (12 days to be exact). Yeah. Otherwise the week was good, fairly busy, ending with pre-Xmas fun - hooray!

So work. Yep. Is good. Still busy, and picking up more projects as I go -
hooray! Love being busy. So am doing my best to stay focused even tho most folks at work are starting to zone out a little the closer we get to vacation time. Ha, luckily for me I have a big meeting scheduled for my last work day from 2-4pm - no choice but to stay focused! I mean, I suppose if I was doing something really exciting over my break I'd probably be in space-mode, but since am hanging around town, ehh, don't mind being busy right up to the day. If it makes the beginning of next year easier, so be it!! Otherwise all's well. The work parties have started with two this past Friday and at least one this coming Friday. It's actually quite nice to sit around with work folk and have a nice meal like normal people and talk about normal, non-work things. Shame we can't do this more often during the year. But then I guess come the holidays it wouldn't be as nice and special. Either way, am not complaining, love the festivities, the food and the socializing!

And then the weekend. Ahhhhhhhh. Was good and half busy. Saturday I was up early and in town to run errands and try to get some last shopping in before the crowds woke up and the stinky heat kicked in. Made it til around noon and had to give up when I caught myself wandering around the Queen St. Mall in near-delirious circles. The crowds were getting silly and there were strollers everywhere! And then the stinky heat, yeah, I can only shop for so long at the best of times, so I was done for by noon. Kept wandering past the same shops over and over again. That's when I knew it was time to call it quits. Thing is, I didn't even buy much stuff. I'd be standing in these shops with my list of names and ideas for stuff and my mind would go blissfully blank and then I'd walk out with nothing. It was weird. I hate shopping. Especially so at Xmas. Can I just get people stuff at random times during the year? Like birthdays - those are more special then stupid Xmas. Less crowds. Same sales. Yeah. So then came home from that, turned on the fan and sat and watched "Casino Royale" followed by, well, the new one............. Man. I have to say I really like the new direction the films are taking. I think about the Pierce Brosnan years and have to giggle as they were pretty stupid compared to these new ones. But I promise to quit going on about them. I think I've mentioned it repeatedly over the last few blogs. I know, you get the idea. But can I just say have started the next book "Man with the Golden Gun" and how great it is? Yeah. Sorry. Sad, I know. But they're so good, I highly recommend them. 'Nuf said.

And then today, well, not a lot. I didn't really have any plans. I must say I like my weekends to be made up as I go along. The odd pre-planned weekend is fine every so often, don't get me wrong. But I love the option of wandering to somewhere or doing nothing, which is actually the easier option to take when it's 90+ degrees and 70+% humidity. But lately when I wander to somewhere it costs me money. So my wallet feels safer if we just hang out at home. One thing I noticed hanging out at home today and listening to the radio, was how weird it is to sit here typing this, having my A&W Rootbeer Float and listening to Bing Crosby's "Dreaming of a White Christmas" when it's 90-some degrees out and blowing a dry hot wind. Now, I know I was in NZ for 4 years before this, so I should be used to Xmas with full sun and warm weather (ok, maybe not so much in NZ, but you know how I mean). But it's even harder to get used to here in Australia, especially up here in Brisbane. Picture summer in San Diego (or maybe even NYC) and then tack on Xmas everywhere and you have my dilemma. It's just weird. But I like it. More so than any ol gloomy, freezing cold and dark Xmas in NYC. The fact that instead of sweaters, mulled wine and turkey, we have bathing suits, beer and bbq's. It's actually an excellent way to do Xmas. That way during the winter, you just settle in and watch tv until it warms up again; no holidays to distract you from movies on tv. 'Course, in Brisbane, winter really only means you just wear a coat to go down to the pub..... Anyways, even tho have been down here in the Southern Hemisphere for well over 6 years, it's still something to get used to this having Xmas when it's this bloody hot out. You can't tell me listening to "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" wouldn't make you sweat more in Brisbane over Xmas. It does. And you'd beg for Jack Frost to nip at your nose right about now!

So there you go. That's about that. If I did buy anyone a gift (and there weren't that many due to mind-cloud), expect it to be in the mail..... ehhh, hopefully this week. I mean, you can't expect me to shop in a bazillion degrees with quadrillion % humidity and then expect me to be recovered and organized enough to wrap it pretty and get it to the Post Office on time, do you? Gaahhh! You guys know I love you, must I prove it with mere trinkets? Yeah, ok, will do my best to get them in the mail this week. No promises. It's the thought that counts, and all that hooey. Hope you're all well up there! And if you have any last minute requests for trinkets - get them in now (limited to stock on hand at the time of purchase, no rainchecks, not available in all colors.....)!


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