Well. It seems the closer we get to vacation time, the slooower the days drag by. Yet, when the weekend comes, time magically flies. That’s so not fair. But, nearly there! 2 & ½ days to go until 12 days of freedom! Yahhhoooo!
So work. Yep. Is good. Busy, but manageable. Hee hee, we had our section’s Xmas lunch Friday afternoon and the Director was thanking everyone for all their hard work and mentioning particular things they’d done. And when he came to me he said something along the lines of “….. thank you for doing the jobs no one likes – like coordinating the review of manuals…. “ or something like that. I laughed. I really dig my job and I love coordinating/making people work! I get to work with all kinds of people on projects instead of the same faces day in and out. Yeah. So will enjoy it until March when I go back into Panic Mode just before my little contract comes up for renewal (or, god forbid, not). But man, am really looking forward to having some time off. I haven’t had a break since Xmas last year. I wish I’d planned ahead better (I always say that and yet I never think to do anything about it until it comes around again. Sigh). So instead of basking on a teeny little island somewhere in the South Pacific like I wanted to over Xmas and New Years, will be here rolling around town. That’s ok tho, cos now I have four wheels to get me around! Now just have to think of someplace to go…………… Hmmmmm, something to plan! But otherwise work is good. Just counting down and doing my very best to stay focused!
And then the weekend. Ahhhh. This time on Sunday appears so rapidly. Friday was a nice start to the weekend with our lunch with work. Then after work, for those of us who went back and powered on until
ing was a gal that used to work with us’ 18th birthday party at a club in
So yes, as a result, today has been very relaxed. Which is sort of a shame as the weather would have been perfect finish-the-painting-already and give-the-little-apartment-a-good-clean weather. Lovely cool and overcast. But noooooo, I’ve just hung out, reading my book, scoping out the junk mail and napping. Ahhhhhhh! Besides, if I leave the house, especially at this time of year, it’ll only cost me money. And the weekend has been bad enough as it is. Am saving up a lot of my serious errands for vacation. Why waste a perfectly good weekend running all over town!?
So there you are. Yes, clock up another semi-dull weekend. That’s ok tho, the kids from work and I are trying to come up with a couple things to do over our break, so we’ll see what comes from that!? Will keep you posted! Otherwise, hope you’re all well up there! Will try to call over the break!
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