Well. First off, for once in my life, I can’t accept all the blame for being late. Please see above, Exhibit #1. See? I usually change the calendar day on my way to bed and I didn’t even notice the day had mysteriously repeated itself until, well, I switched it to today. Imagine my befuddlement. I didn’t notice it anywhere else. TV was just as boring as it is every other day of the week, so there was nothing there to clue me up. I don’t read papers and I didn’t get online to do anything. Added to all of this the fact I’d already once lost track of the day of the week earlier in the week. I’m taking 3 fish oil vitamins a day, the directions say to take only 2; I don’t know what else I can do. Tho I did buy myself for Xmas a Nintendo DS with “Brain Training” so with that kind of potent combination, I should soon start to remember the most random of tidbits very shortly. But until then, here I am!
So yes. Work. Was fine, all 2 & ½ days of it, which were more or less a write-off. Who could get any real work done while every day, if not every hour, there were parties happening in different cubicles
Then Boxing Day (26th). Thankfully it’s a national holiday down here. So I took up the offer to go with Hasse (from work) to his good friend’s (and her boyfriend’s) house for a pool party (how very Australian during Xmas time). That too was a very lovely way to spend the day. Turned out it wasn’t so much a party per se, it was really more that we simply sat, drank nice wine, nibbled cold leftovers and chatted. Plus, I got some fantastic hints and tips of things to do and places to go in Western Australia from her boyfriend and his visiting parents (also from W.A.). It was lovely. Always nice to get out and meet new people and see new neighborhoods – Hamilton, Veeery nice ‘hood not far from town, had to take the ferry to get there! Cool.
And then there was the rest of the week. This is where things started to get a little fuzzy regarding the whole day-tracking thing. I know there was a day i
And that’s about it! Oh, duh, forgot the bestest piece of news – I am the proud owner of a round-trip ticket to the US! Yes! I shall be passing through US customs as of e
All’s well here, hope all’s well up there. Look into getting a ticket down here while the oil companies are looking the other way! Hurry!