Monday, December 29, 2008
A Weekend of Saturdays
Well. First off, for once in my life, I can’t accept all the blame for being late. Please see above, Exhibit #1. See? I usually change the calendar day on my way to bed and I didn’t even notice the day had mysteriously repeated itself until, well, I switched it to today. Imagine my befuddlement. I didn’t notice it anywhere else. TV was just as boring as it is every other day of the week, so there was nothing there to clue me up. I don’t read papers and I didn’t get online to do anything. Added to all of this the fact I’d already once lost track of the day of the week earlier in the week. I’m taking 3 fish oil vitamins a day, the directions say to take only 2; I don’t know what else I can do. Tho I did buy myself for Xmas a Nintendo DS with “Brain Training” so with that kind of potent combination, I should soon start to remember the most random of tidbits very shortly. But until then, here I am!
So yes. Work. Was fine, all 2 & ½ days of it, which were more or less a write-off. Who could get any real work done while every day, if not every hour, there were parties happening in different cubicles all over the building? And it’s such bad form, politically, not to attend. So I’d basically arrive at work at the bright and shiny hour of 7.30am, as I do everyday like all good little worker bees do (well, most of us early-rising bees), I’d turn on my computer, log in, and basically be away from it most of the day, now and then checking in to delete mass “Merry Xmas” emails. Am not complaining tho. I’m pretty sure if I were to look back I’d see that for all of those days, and a fair few the week prior, my brain never left the house. At least it was rarely with me at work….. not too sure where it was…… But otherwise, work was fine and the parties very fun. I don’t have to darken those halls until the 5th – HOORAY!!!! Hey, ultimately, am just sooo happy to have a groovy gig to go back to, if only for 3 months (fingers crossed I get extended yet again after that, but we won’t go there until the time comes).
And then there was Xmas. It was lovely. Again. Spent it with my former boss and his family as their Xmas Orphan. It was lovely just like last year. Such good food (seafood BBQ with cold meats and salads) with really nice people and fun conversation. It was a fantastic way to spend the day. If you can make it down here for Xmas next year, I highly recommend it. And I really do cos I know for a fact plane tickets are cheap at the moment (or ‘cheap as chips’ as the locals say). But more on that later.
Then Boxing Day (26th). Thankfully it’s a national holiday down here. So I took up the offer to go with Hasse (from work) to his good friend’s (and her boyfriend’s) house for a pool party (how very Australian during Xmas time). That too was a very lovely way to spend the day. Turned out it wasn’t so much a party per se, it was really more that we simply sat, drank nice wine, nibbled cold leftovers and chatted. Plus, I got some fantastic hints and tips of things to do and places to go in Western Australia from her boyfriend and his visiting parents (also from W.A.). It was lovely. Always nice to get out and meet new people and see new neighborhoods – Hamilton, Veeery nice ‘hood not far from town, had to take the ferry to get there! Cool.
And then there was the rest of the week. This is where things started to get a little fuzzy regarding the whole day-tracking thing. I know there was a day in there where I pretty much did nothing but lay in front of the fan and read as I had the energy to do nothing else (plus it was far too hot to do any more than that, really). Heck, am on vacation, am allowed! But yesterday I was good and did mad crazy chores in 90 degree heat with what certainly felt like 90% humidity. And today was up early to go to the airport to pick up Natasha just returning from 2 weeks visiting family in NZ. Then we ran errands around town including dropping off my wee scooter at the dealer for it’s regular service check-up and to prep it for it’s “Road Worthy Certificate” – something you have to get before you sell something like a car, truck, or scooter…….. Yeah, have decided it’s time to sell the wee scooter. I’m reallyreally sorry to but I just haven’t been riding it nearly as much as I used to. The traffic between here and my work is far too scary lately as there’s a lot of construction happening; and am small enough as it is without throwing a cement truck into the picture. Plus (I feel like some sort of cheating girlfriend), I’m really digging this whole car thing. Sigh. I haven’t sold it yet. Will keep you posted.
And that’s about it! Oh, duh, forgot the bestest piece of news – I am the proud owner of a round-trip ticket to the US! Yes! I shall be passing through US customs as of early morning on August 30th 2009 and leaving the 28th of September! Virgin Australia had an absolute screamin’ deal on tickets direct to L.A. from Brissy for – get this - $1,200 round-trip. So I bought one. And am going to play personal tour-guide to 2 gals from work, Young Christine and Lauren. This is gonna be good. It unfortunately means I won’t be able to stay long in one place, but I will however be able to eat Mexican food for at least 21 of the days am there. And really, what’s more important than that. I. Can’t. Wait. Honestly, if tickets were always this cheap I’d’ve come far earlier. But never mind. Will be there in 8 months! Waaaahhhooooo! So there you are.
All’s well here, hope all’s well up there. Look into getting a ticket down here while the oil companies are looking the other way! Hurry!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Countdown to Vacation in 3…2…1…!
Well. It seems the closer we get to vacation time, the slooower the days drag by. Yet, when the weekend comes, time magically flies. That’s so not fair. But, nearly there! 2 & ½ days to go until 12 days of freedom! Yahhhoooo!
So work. Yep. Is good. Busy, but manageable. Hee hee, we had our section’s Xmas lunch Friday afternoon and the Director was thanking everyone for all their hard work and mentioning particular things they’d done. And when he came to me he said something along the lines of “….. thank you for doing the jobs no one likes – like coordinating the review of manuals…. “ or something like that. I laughed. I really dig my job and I love coordinating/making people work! I get to work with all kinds of people on projects instead of the same faces day in and out. Yeah. So will enjoy it until March when I go back into Panic Mode just before my little contract comes up for renewal (or, god forbid, not). But man, am really looking forward to having some time off. I haven’t had a break since Xmas last year. I wish I’d planned ahead better (I always say that and yet I never think to do anything about it until it comes around again. Sigh). So instead of basking on a teeny little island somewhere in the South Pacific like I wanted to over Xmas and New Years, will be here rolling around town. That’s ok tho, cos now I have four wheels to get me around! Now just have to think of someplace to go…………… Hmmmmm, something to plan! But otherwise work is good. Just counting down and doing my very best to stay focused!
And then the weekend. Ahhhh. This time on Sunday appears so rapidly. Friday was a nice start to the weekend with our lunch with work. Then after work, for those of us who went back and powered on until
So yes, as a result, today has been very relaxed. Which is sort of a shame as the weather would have been perfect finish-the-painting-already and give-the-little-apartment-a-good-clean weather. Lovely cool and overcast. But noooooo, I’ve just hung out, reading my book, scoping out the junk mail and napping. Ahhhhhhh! Besides, if I leave the house, especially at this time of year, it’ll only cost me money. And the weekend has been bad enough as it is. Am saving up a lot of my serious errands for vacation. Why waste a perfectly good weekend running all over town!?
So there you are. Yes, clock up another semi-dull weekend. That’s ok tho, the kids from work and I are trying to come up with a couple things to do over our break, so we’ll see what comes from that!? Will keep you posted! Otherwise, hope you’re all well up there! Will try to call over the break!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Strollers, Mall, Daze - Xmas
Well. One week down, one more and two days to go until vacation! Yaahhooo! Not that I have any big plans whatsoever. It'll just be nice to sleep-in everyday for like 2 weeks (12 days to be exact). Yeah. Otherwise the week was good, fairly busy, ending with pre-Xmas fun - hooray!
So work. Yep. Is good. Still busy, and picking up more projects as I go - hooray! Love being busy. So am doing my best to stay focused even tho most folks at work are starting to zone out a little the closer we get to vacation time. Ha, luckily for me I have a big meeting scheduled for my last work day from 2-4pm - no choice but to stay focused! I mean, I suppose if I was doing something really exciting over my break I'd probably be in space-mode, but since am hanging around town, ehh, don't mind being busy right up to the day. If it makes the beginning of next year easier, so be it!! Otherwise all's well. The work parties have started with two this past Friday and at least one this coming Friday. It's actually quite nice to sit around with work folk and have a nice meal like normal people and talk about normal, non-work things. Shame we can't do this more often during the year. But then I guess come the holidays it wouldn't be as nice and special. Either way, am not complaining, love the festivities, the food and the socializing!
And then the weekend. Ahhhhhhhh. Was good and half busy. Saturday I was up early and in town to run errands and try to get some last shopping in before the crowds woke up and the stinky heat kicked in. Made it til around noon and had to give up when I caught myself wandering around the Queen St. Mall in near-delirious circles. The crowds were getting silly and there were strollers everywhere! And then the stinky heat, yeah, I can only shop for so long at the best of times, so I was done for by noon. Kept wandering past the same shops over and over again. That's when I knew it was time to call it quits. Thing is, I didn't even buy much stuff. I'd be standing in these shops with my list of names and ideas for stuff and my mind would go blissfully blank and then I'd walk out with nothing. It was weird. I hate shopping. Especially so at Xmas. Can I just get people stuff at random times during the year? Like birthdays - those are more special then stupid Xmas. Less crowds. Same sales. Yeah. So then came home from that, turned on the fan and sat and watched "Casino Royale" followed by, well, the new one............. Man. I have to say I really like the new direction the films are taking. I think about the Pierce Brosnan years and have to giggle as they were pretty stupid compared to these new ones. But I promise to quit going on about them. I think I've mentioned it repeatedly over the last few blogs. I know, you get the idea. But can I just say have started the next book "Man with the Golden Gun" and how great it is? Yeah. Sorry. Sad, I know. But they're so good, I highly recommend them. 'Nuf said.
And then today, well, not a lot. I didn't really have any plans. I must say I like my weekends to be made up as I go along. The odd pre-planned weekend is fine every so often, don't get me wrong. But I love the option of wandering to somewhere or doing nothing, which is actually the easier option to take when it's 90+ degrees and 70+% humidity. But lately when I wander to somewhere it costs me money. So my wallet feels safer if we just hang out at home. One thing I noticed hanging out at home today and listening to the radio, was how weird it is to sit here typing this, having my A&W Rootbeer Float and listening to Bing Crosby's "Dreaming of a White Christmas" when it's 90-some degrees out and blowing a dry hot wind. Now, I know I was in NZ for 4 years before this, so I should be used to Xmas with full sun and warm weather (ok, maybe not so much in NZ, but you know how I mean). But it's even harder to get used to here in Australia, especially up here in Brisbane. Picture summer in San Diego (or maybe even NYC) and then tack on Xmas everywhere and you have my dilemma. It's just weird. But I like it. More so than any ol gloomy, freezing cold and dark Xmas in NYC. The fact that instead of sweaters, mulled wine and turkey, we have bathing suits, beer and bbq's. It's actually an excellent way to do Xmas. That way during the winter, you just settle in and watch tv until it warms up again; no holidays to distract you from movies on tv. 'Course, in Brisbane, winter really only means you just wear a coat to go down to the pub..... Anyways, even tho have been down here in the Southern Hemisphere for well over 6 years, it's still something to get used to this having Xmas when it's this bloody hot out. You can't tell me listening to "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" wouldn't make you sweat more in Brisbane over Xmas. It does. And you'd beg for Jack Frost to nip at your nose right about now!
So there you go. That's about that. If I did buy anyone a gift (and there weren't that many due to mind-cloud), expect it to be in the mail..... ehhh, hopefully this week. I mean, you can't expect me to shop in a bazillion degrees with quadrillion % humidity and then expect me to be recovered and organized enough to wrap it pretty and get it to the Post Office on time, do you? Gaahhh! You guys know I love you, must I prove it with mere trinkets? Yeah, ok, will do my best to get them in the mail this week. No promises. It's the thought that counts, and all that hooey. Hope you're all well up there! And if you have any last minute requests for trinkets - get them in now (limited to stock on hand at the time of purchase, no rainchecks, not available in all colors.....)!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Caution - Humidity May Be Hotter Than Appears
Well. To start off, am sorry for not checking in last week. For one thing, an embarrassing thing, I did absolutely nothing alllllll last weekend. Nothing. I think I may have done some laundry but that was the height of the activity. It was too bloody hot to do anything else except lie on the couch in front of the fan. I couldn't even think to even be able to sit and watch tv. It was like 95 degrees with 70% humidity. Yeah. It was gross. And it was exactly the same today only I decided it would be better to just sweat it out and get chores done at the same time. Ugh. Humidity. Hot. Summer. Here until March. Otherwise, the week was good. Air conditioning at work is even gooder!
So the week, yep, was good, speedy. Monday evening I went to Town Hall to go see Sting and Edin Karamazov play Elizabethian-Age songs on lutes (I mentioned it a month or two ago when I bought the tickets). It was reallyreally cool. So different. Very pretty, very relaxing. Kinda weird to go to such a big yet chilled-out concert (with wine - bonus!) on a Monday evening, but there you are. It was nice and made the week feel just that little bit shorter!
So work. Yep. Is good. Starting to slow down as Xmas comes. Oh yeah, sorry, one thing that happened last week (really the only thing that did happen all that week) - I got my contract extended until the end of March! HOORAY! Talk about r-e-l-i-e-f. Shame it's only until March instead of until at least June like I'd originally filled out my paperwork for, but nevertheless, it beats unemployment!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annnnnnd, hurrah, I get PAID time off during Xmas! Hooray for earning days off instead of having to use real vacation time! YIPPIE! So I get to have a break from the 24th and back at work on the 5th. Cooooooooooooooool. Got nothing to do, nowhere to go because I wasn't sure if I'd have a job or not, so I didn't plan anything. Bummer, but that's ok. I have to save money to pay bills and for mah trip home next Sept.! But, I am the very proud owner of a car, so perhaps I'll go away to.......... some place for a few days..... Hmmm. Must plan........ But otherwise, work is very good. I still quite dig my job and 99% of the people! Hooray!
And then the weekend! Started Friday evening with drinks at the pub with a couple folks from work. We haven't done that for a while and it was nice just to hang out. Funny thing was, we were all slightly grumpy and really tired. I mean, we were all in fine moods, we were all just pooped from the week I think. It was kinda funny. But, we still had a nice evening that ended at a respectable hour. Well done us.
Saturday was nice, I went to a new DFO (I think it stands for Direct Factory Outlet - a mall of outlet stores, basically) in Jindalee (no idea where it is, west of the City I think, not far from my house actually, 15 minute drive...) with Sarah from work. It was really nice to get out and have a look. Probably because last weekend I was cooped up in the steamy little apartment the whole time. They have a DFO out by the airport and its bigger with lots and lots more stores. But eh, either way, am not a huge shopper so I really didn't even notice. I bought new summer pj's and that was pretty much it. We had some lunch and did another lap of the place and that was that! Was a nice afternoon. Then later that evening I made my apparently "famous" bean dip and headed over to Bruce & Family's house for a pre-xmas BBQ. It was nice but because I had to drive, not too many drinkies for me! It was really fun and neat to catch up with his family and kids - this is how savvy the 2 boys are (14) - they were watching "Quantum of Solace". Yeah. Hip. Modern. But I was pooped and couldn't keep up with the adults in the drinking stakes, so I left pretty early. It was my first trip in my car not going to work or on a short errand! Very scary in that it rained and I kinda had no idea where I was going. Added to that, with the steamy rain, my car windows fogged up on the outside. Yeah, beats me but they did and I was lucky to see. Hooray for wiper blades (which I think I may need to replace...)! And I only got kinda lost once and didn't get lost at all on the way home! It was one thing to ride the little scooter around a couple nearby suburbs, but it's another to go real places in a car. Gotta think different. I guess I get turned around because since I've been here I've either walked everywhere or taken public transport. Hmmm. But am learning, I have a little map book, I have wheels - life is very good!
And today I met Natasha in town at our favorite breakfast cafe, gossipped, and hit the stores (mascara, lotion, shoes, the usual). We haven't caught up in aaaaages because she's been working a lot of overtime (it's pretty rare in government to be able to work lots of overtime, so she's been doing as much as they offer), so it was really good to catch up. She's off to NZ over xmas for like 2 weeks on the 17th but back in time for New Years, so we'll plan something for then.......!
Otherwise all is well. So happy to have been given an extension in my little job. Even happier to have 12 days off from work - WAAAHHOOOO! PAID! Coooooool! And that's about that. Sorry for not writing sometimes. It's just that sometimes I don't do anything even worth mentioning and I feel really embarrassed to even write and say I did nothing. So maybe next time I'll try harder and take a different tack........ Hmmmmm... Well, I hope you're all well up there! Drop a line and let me know how it's all going!?
Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!
Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...
Hi! Well. Sunday, late afternoon. Little early, but might as well, have finished most of the chores.......... The birds are out there with a...
Hi! Well, unfortunately, I have to say up front that no adventures were had this week. Not unless you count going out to dinner, discussing ...
Hi! Well. Here we are, although it's not a Sunday afternoon, it's Monday - we have the day off for Labor Day (thank you Union...