Sunday, May 18, 2008

Krispy Cells of Franchises


Well. That week went pretty quick for being a semi-full week (I had to take a
day off due to, uh, fatigue, yeah......). But regardless of the quantity of days, it was a speedy week. And it seemed to be one of those weeks where I didn't really sit still, was busybusybusy, yet didn't get much accomplished. Hmmm. But first, I have to warn you, am a bit distracted - I just bought a brand-spankin' new cell phone and I can not wait to fire it up and see what it does! This is a rare occasion as I only buy a new cell phone once every 3-4 years or so. Never a purchase taken lightly. So there! New toy!

So work. Yep. Is good. Do you know (probably not unless you'
re keeping score at home), that I've been at my job (sorta) for just over a year now? Cool huh? Time flies when you dig your gig! And this current incarnation of my gig is going really well. Slowly but surely we're all figuring out why I'm there and what I should/could be doing. It's good. Friday we had after-work drinks and nibbles (at work/in the office). Man, it was fantastic! We had wines and cheeses and pate and feta-stuffed olives, and stuff, and lots of people came and had a chat - it was a success! I'm not sure who's idea it was (I kinda think it was mine, but shucks, never mind), but it was fun and nice to talk to people like normal people instead of only when you need something workish. It was great. Did I think to bring my camera? Nah. Of course not! But, another one is being planned for next month perhaps.........! But otherwise, work is good. I like it.

And the weekend. Well. Let's just say 'let the chores begin'! Mommy is due this coming Sunday, so I have to do the best I can with what I got. I also shanghaied some moving boxes from work (must figure out how to get them home by neither scooter nor bus........), would love to pre-pack some of this clutter, in preparation for The Move in August..... So yeah. Anyways, looking forward to seeing Mommy and going on little adventures, and being paid to be away from work! So Saturday was cleaning. And today, Sunday, was errand day. Actually it was running around looking for stupid stuff like bedside lamps (still need a couple) and rugs and a little silicon thing that you use to take trays out of ovens instead of old-fashioned oven mitts or a towel that could catch fire and burn the whole place down......... Yeah. Man, I covered lots of ground but didn't actually find what I was looking for, except a new phone..... But you'll never guess what I discovered in my travels - a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop has sprung up down here, in the middle of town. And my god you should have seen the absolute liiiine to get in! Suckers! Well, you can, I took pictures I was so amazed. What is the world coming to. No wonder everyone hates American franchises. Yet, they line up to buy the stuff..... Hmmm.

So there it is. Gosh, if you do come down, we'll have to get right out of town so you don't think you flew in one big circle and landed in L.A.! But fear not, am working on the sight-seeing tour! At least I'm learning the stuff to avoid! Well, unless you flew all this way to buy yourself some Burger King (Hungry Jack's) and Krispy Kremes.........! Then a tour of American franchises it will be! Just get down here!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...