Sunday, May 11, 2008

Days of Wine & Yawns


Well. That was a nice week. Short, because of Labor Day. Tomorrow it’ll be back to 5 days of it. Hmmm. I have to say last week was tough to get through for some reason, a couple of the days just draaaagged. Maybe it was because the boss wasn’t there all week.
Dunno. Probably was the short week thing. Maybe I just need a real vacation!

So work. Yep. Is good. Still don’t have a whole heck of a lot to be doing, but I still reallyreally like it. Just you try to take my little job away from me! I think as I learn more about who does what, what can be done, what can’t be done, then I’ll come up with ideas and stuff and be busy. Still learning I guess. But I must say, no matter how much I dig this gig, I can’t wait to have 8 days off when Mommy comes for her visit! Hooray for a break and sightseeing! And the best part is – it’ll be $ paid $ time off! Every single day of it! Yiiippiiieeeee!!!! Hooray for work!

And then the weekend. Oh my god, will you be disappointed or what.
I’ve done nothing. Nothing. I read my James Bond book “From Russia with Love”, surfed the ‘net, watched a little bit of tv but fell asleep. And today, pretty much the same. I’ve not been as tired as I have been the last few weeks, but maybe I’ve been fighting off something. 2 people in the office have been sick, like take 3 days off kinda sick, and one guy even had to go to the doctor for it. Eeessshhh. After the last time I got sick? Hell no I don’t want that ever again! So that could be why I’ve kept low this weekend. Another reason could be that my partner in errand-running, Natasha, is in NZ with her family and really sick Dad. Hmmm. But otherwise, the weekend has been nice. The weather is almost summer-like, which makes lounging on my couch reading (the novelty of having real furniture just never gets old) that much nicer. Yeah. A bit dull, certainly, but nice. After last week and the week before of day after day after day after evening of running around and spending money I shouldn’t, having a week and weekend in, man, it’s nice. And the bank is happier too. I have to save because The Ghan (train ride north to south, or vice versa) has introduced a new level of service/class – Platinum, and that’s a cool $3,000. So before I was sort of but not really saving for the Gold class (that was only $2,000!), and now they do this to me. And the first trip is in September. I would love to be on it. So must save. ‘Course, I have moving to save for, and that’s more important at this point. Ahhhh yes, reason #2 to not live below anyone – my ceiling has sprung an annoying little leak right smack in the middle of the living room, which is directly underneath Monster Boy’s bathroom. Yeah. I really hate living underneath people. So yes, moving is a priority over Platinum service on The Ghan at this moment. Sad.

And that’s really about it! Hope you’re all well up there and are planning your visit down here! C’mon down, the weather’s fine!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...