Sunday, May 25, 2008

All Hail Vacation!


Well. What a week. Busy. Getting everything ready for Mom’s visit. Bansai trips to Ikea. Multiple trips to the grocery store. It’s been all go!

So work. Yep. Is good. Busy though, which is really good. To the
point where I’m actually having to write stuff down because I can’t keep track of it in my head like I usually do. Man I do a lot of stuff for seeming like I don’t do much at all! And can you believe it – I actually gave my boss my cell phone number “just in case” while I’m away on vacation! Ha! Like I have that kinda stuff to do that’s soooo important they have to call me on vacation. But, am only new and trying to keep everyone happy. I don’t mind. It’s not like I’m going to be sunning myself on a beach in Fiji or climbing Everest.

And the rest of the week was running around, errands and chores. Thursday after work Alan, Christine and I made a quick run to Ikea where I picked up a couple of cool rugs, new kitchen towels, biiiiiig wine glasses, etc. Afterwards we went to Pizza Hut and discovered that they didn’t actually have any dining room, so we took the pizzas and had an in-car picnic in the underground parking lot at Ikea! It was excellent! Sooooo good! And Friday we (my new work-mates) went to the pub for lunch and then again after work, and then it was off to Cindy’s for more wine! Poor liver! But have never had a pub lunch with this new work crowd, or after-work pub drinks, so it was really good to bond. Has to be done when you’re a newbie. And I haven’t seen Cindy in a while, and that’s always a good time when we catch up. And then Saturday was haircut, errands and cleaning. Whew.

And today, Sunday – Mommy’s here! She arrived tired but fine first thing this morning. Jan took me to the airport to pick her up (that was nice, apparently the price of a cab ride has gone up $20 bucks, up to $50 now, since I’ve been here. Waaaaah, the rising cost of gas or some babble. Humph.). So far we’ve had an excellent and filling breakfast at a lovely cafĂ© down the road from me, then we walked over the bridge to the Cultural Centre, then over another bridge to the Queen Street Mall, then over to the Riverside markets and then to the bus home. She’s done well. Had a short nap and seems to be surviving the first day of jet lag pretty well. It usually takes a few days, but thankfully the weather is bright and sunny, which makes it a whole lot easier. I think it’s easier to come here than it is to go back. Not sure why or if it’s true. Perhaps you get over it quicker because it’s a new and exciting place, whereas on your way back, ehh, you’re home again and pooped from so much international excitement. Dunno. I went to Film School.

So that’s about that! Oh boy! A week and a half off work! We get to go to Sydney! Never been there. Hmmm. Well, we have lots planned. Busybusybusy. Hooray! So yeah, now that I think about it, next week the little blog might be a day late as we don’t get back from Sydney until late Sunday night. But Monday and Tuesday will be chill-out days, so Monday night I should be able to check in. Either way – hooray! Adventures! You should come too!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Krispy Cells of Franchises


Well. That week went pretty quick for being a semi-full week (I had to take a
day off due to, uh, fatigue, yeah......). But regardless of the quantity of days, it was a speedy week. And it seemed to be one of those weeks where I didn't really sit still, was busybusybusy, yet didn't get much accomplished. Hmmm. But first, I have to warn you, am a bit distracted - I just bought a brand-spankin' new cell phone and I can not wait to fire it up and see what it does! This is a rare occasion as I only buy a new cell phone once every 3-4 years or so. Never a purchase taken lightly. So there! New toy!

So work. Yep. Is good. Do you know (probably not unless you'
re keeping score at home), that I've been at my job (sorta) for just over a year now? Cool huh? Time flies when you dig your gig! And this current incarnation of my gig is going really well. Slowly but surely we're all figuring out why I'm there and what I should/could be doing. It's good. Friday we had after-work drinks and nibbles (at work/in the office). Man, it was fantastic! We had wines and cheeses and pate and feta-stuffed olives, and stuff, and lots of people came and had a chat - it was a success! I'm not sure who's idea it was (I kinda think it was mine, but shucks, never mind), but it was fun and nice to talk to people like normal people instead of only when you need something workish. It was great. Did I think to bring my camera? Nah. Of course not! But, another one is being planned for next month perhaps.........! But otherwise, work is good. I like it.

And the weekend. Well. Let's just say 'let the chores begin'! Mommy is due this coming Sunday, so I have to do the best I can with what I got. I also shanghaied some moving boxes from work (must figure out how to get them home by neither scooter nor bus........), would love to pre-pack some of this clutter, in preparation for The Move in August..... So yeah. Anyways, looking forward to seeing Mommy and going on little adventures, and being paid to be away from work! So Saturday was cleaning. And today, Sunday, was errand day. Actually it was running around looking for stupid stuff like bedside lamps (still need a couple) and rugs and a little silicon thing that you use to take trays out of ovens instead of old-fashioned oven mitts or a towel that could catch fire and burn the whole place down......... Yeah. Man, I covered lots of ground but didn't actually find what I was looking for, except a new phone..... But you'll never guess what I discovered in my travels - a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop has sprung up down here, in the middle of town. And my god you should have seen the absolute liiiine to get in! Suckers! Well, you can, I took pictures I was so amazed. What is the world coming to. No wonder everyone hates American franchises. Yet, they line up to buy the stuff..... Hmmm.

So there it is. Gosh, if you do come down, we'll have to get right out of town so you don't think you flew in one big circle and landed in L.A.! But fear not, am working on the sight-seeing tour! At least I'm learning the stuff to avoid! Well, unless you flew all this way to buy yourself some Burger King (Hungry Jack's) and Krispy Kremes.........! Then a tour of American franchises it will be! Just get down here!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Days of Wine & Yawns


Well. That was a nice week. Short, because of Labor Day. Tomorrow it’ll be back to 5 days of it. Hmmm. I have to say last week was tough to get through for some reason, a couple of the days just draaaagged. Maybe it was because the boss wasn’t there all week.
Dunno. Probably was the short week thing. Maybe I just need a real vacation!

So work. Yep. Is good. Still don’t have a whole heck of a lot to be doing, but I still reallyreally like it. Just you try to take my little job away from me! I think as I learn more about who does what, what can be done, what can’t be done, then I’ll come up with ideas and stuff and be busy. Still learning I guess. But I must say, no matter how much I dig this gig, I can’t wait to have 8 days off when Mommy comes for her visit! Hooray for a break and sightseeing! And the best part is – it’ll be $ paid $ time off! Every single day of it! Yiiippiiieeeee!!!! Hooray for work!

And then the weekend. Oh my god, will you be disappointed or what.
I’ve done nothing. Nothing. I read my James Bond book “From Russia with Love”, surfed the ‘net, watched a little bit of tv but fell asleep. And today, pretty much the same. I’ve not been as tired as I have been the last few weeks, but maybe I’ve been fighting off something. 2 people in the office have been sick, like take 3 days off kinda sick, and one guy even had to go to the doctor for it. Eeessshhh. After the last time I got sick? Hell no I don’t want that ever again! So that could be why I’ve kept low this weekend. Another reason could be that my partner in errand-running, Natasha, is in NZ with her family and really sick Dad. Hmmm. But otherwise, the weekend has been nice. The weather is almost summer-like, which makes lounging on my couch reading (the novelty of having real furniture just never gets old) that much nicer. Yeah. A bit dull, certainly, but nice. After last week and the week before of day after day after day after evening of running around and spending money I shouldn’t, having a week and weekend in, man, it’s nice. And the bank is happier too. I have to save because The Ghan (train ride north to south, or vice versa) has introduced a new level of service/class – Platinum, and that’s a cool $3,000. So before I was sort of but not really saving for the Gold class (that was only $2,000!), and now they do this to me. And the first trip is in September. I would love to be on it. So must save. ‘Course, I have moving to save for, and that’s more important at this point. Ahhhh yes, reason #2 to not live below anyone – my ceiling has sprung an annoying little leak right smack in the middle of the living room, which is directly underneath Monster Boy’s bathroom. Yeah. I really hate living underneath people. So yes, moving is a priority over Platinum service on The Ghan at this moment. Sad.

And that’s really about it! Hope you’re all well up there and are planning your visit down here! C’mon down, the weather’s fine!


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Labour 0 vs. Rest 1!


Well. Yet another week speeds by. But hooray! Another three-day weekend! This one is to contemplate our labor. Never could figure out why it's called Labor Day when you're not actually doing any labor. Hmm. Not gonna argue about a day off!

So work. Yep. Starting to pick up slowly but surely. Wish I had more to do, but am happy things are starting to drift my way. Still sort of helping out my old department, but that's just really finishing up a project. Nearly finished. And it's most excellent that my new boss is happy to let me help finish off old projects for them. Cool. I'm so nice. Could have left it all up to the new gal, but I'm nice. Sigh. I wish I could charge extra for being nice.

And the weekend. Well, I have to say it was a pretty buzzy week before the weekend even came! Monday night I met up with Roger (& his parents visiting from England) and Mav and Malcolm, their friend from Sydney. We had a lovely but short catch up and an extremely below-average dinner, after which we decided to meet again the next night at the Paddo. So Tuesday we met at the pub, and that was most excellent! Such good food. And we caught up on all the little bits of gossip (not much really). Nice to meet up with them after so long. They're usually pretty busy so their schedule has to be booked way in advance. Ahhhhh, married people! Wednesday was groceries, Thursday was errands with Alan (sounds like a sitcom..... hmmm), Friday was, get this - a rugby game in a corporate box! Waaaahhoooo! And, get this, it was Brisbane vs. Auckland! Hahahahaha! And guess who won - Auckland! I had to laugh. Man it was funny and quite a good night! Turns out the owner of the printing company had a spare few tickets so he invited me, my boss and his wife! What a good night! And after the game me, my boss and his wife wandered up to the pub and had a couple glasses of wine before calling it a night. Man. It was fun! Always neat to spend time with work folks outside of work. And then Saturday was errands with Natasha and today was, whew, chores and resting! Such a little social butterfly this week! And here's me supposed to be saving money. But man, it's been a good week. Now am broke. But ahhh, at least the little apt is clean! We had a couple days of dust storms, so it needed it. Am starting to get kind of excited - I have approximately 2+ months left to go in this little place. Am kind of dreading the looking part because once I put in my notice that I'm leaving this fine palace, I have to find something in about two weeks. And you know how it is - every time you're not looking there's something good to be had; when you are looking there's nothing. So come moving time - here's hoping!

And that's about that! Oh, how cool is this - earlier this week my cousin and his family (and my aunt & uncle) met Hillary Clinton while she was campaigning in South Bend, Indiana! And this past Saturday they met Bill Clinton, as VIP's for one of his speaking engagements! How exciting for them! Neat! Now hope they get out there and vote come crunch time!?

So there you are. Things here are fine, the weather has settled into beautiful, cool, bright sunny days, life is good. So c'mon down! Oh, and I stand ever so embarrassingly corrected - if you come down here, you unfortunately won't be the first, or even the second tour I'll have conducted of this fine little city; Sheldon and Scarlett were the first out of the gate, soon to be followed by my Mommy at the end of this month. So there you go, I've had a bit of tour guiding experience now! It's Hotel de Genevieve with the lights left on for ya. C'mon down, the weather's fine!


Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...