Well. Again, sorry for the delay. Got home waaaaay too late on the school night to be able to make any sense. But here it is!
So yeah. The week was good. Individual days absolutely dragged, but strangely, the week on the
So work is good. Yep. Been entertaining myself by building an Access database from scratch, never done it before. It all seems to be doing what I want it to, so, bonus! Otherwise, all’s well – still so happy to have a nice gig!!!
And then Saturday, well, that was an easy day. Sinuses acted up and it was gross hot and humid, so all I had the energy for, besides sneezing my head right off my neck, was really to just sit around and read all day. Picked up "Misery" for a buck at the thrift shop on the corner; haven’t read that for yeeeeeears! It’s pretty good! Funny thing is, for the characters I can only picture James Cann and Kathy Bates – perfect casting!
And then Sunday. Well, we know how that ended up. Went with a guy from work here on a tiki tour
And that’s about that! The weather is pretty interesting. I mean, its gross hot and humid (ahhhh summertime), but the scary black clouds that build up through the day are pretty impressive, even if it doesn’t rain or thunder and lightning. And because of said scary clouds and threat of rain, I don’t ride the little scooter. And I gotta say, it’s been threatening rain for almost a month now. Poor scooter. Poor me for having to endure public transport all the time!
So there you are. Sorry for being late – but it was all for a good cause! Hope you’re all well up there!
It’s a pretty small little place, so it only takes one little lamp to light up the living-room & kitchen!
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