Sunday, December 02, 2007

Ferry for Xmas


Well. That week's gone. Good week. Good weekend. But here we are again at Sunday. Sigh. That's ok though. I don't mind Sundays 'cos I like my job. It's the long wait until the next weekend that gets me down! Ahhhhh, nevermind, always happy to be employed!

So yeah. Work. It's really good. My boss is away on a month's vacation. Sigh. Yeah, I know, a month............. I don't have lots and lots to do, and certainly none of what I do have is all that taxing, so to speak. And things at work will only get quieter as people start their Xmas exodus out of the city. But my god, it's only 3 weeks or so until the week off for Xmas. Hooray! Bad for the bank, good for me! I really want a day off, like now, but I will resist. Ahhh well. Again, happy to be employed!!!!! So yeah, work is still pretty good. I'm still really digging it. And hey, get this - my boss, above my boss, asked me to come to his and his wife's house for Xmas as their sons will be at their respective homes in Sydney and Melbourne and they wondered if I'd like to join them seeing as I don't have family and stuff here. Awwwwww, I said "Of course! I'd love to be your Xmas Orphan!". Well geez, I can't really say no, can I? And he's cool, really interesting and a good sense of humor. I met his wife once, briefly, and she seems really neat as well. So I'm looking forward to it. Even tho this year I made a strict promise to myself to be no one's Xmas Orphan, but hell, when the boss asks....... It should be a really nice day/evening though. But I must say, I'm struggling a bit as to what to bring besides the requisite bottle of wine...... I thought of making half-sized pies... apple and cherry, or something. Hell, I don't know what to contribute... I have a coupla weeks to think about it.............

And then the weekend. Friday...... got the laundry and shopping done - excellent! Less chores for the real weekend! Saturday was most excellent. Lazed around the house until it was time to go to my biiiiig pre-xmas splurge - a Bryan Ferry concert! I had one of the best seats in the house - dead center, just at the beginning of the slope up! Ended up meeting Deb (she's our Head Finance lady at work) and her husband and friends of theirs beforehand in the City for a couple of drinks, then we walked to the Botanical Gardens where there's a reallyreally cool open-air ampitheatre that seats, roughly 2,000? And we sat in the grassey area (which was the tickets they bought) and listened to Joan Armatrading (opening act). She positively rocked! Now I have to go out and get a couple of her CD's because she was that damn good. And then when it was time for Mr. Ferry, I went to my fancypants expensive seat. I kinda wanted to stay with Deb and gang, but hell, when you spent as much as I did on the ticket, you'd wanna keep that seat warm too! It was absolutely fantastic. I love outdoor venues. The sound was awesome, the view perfect, the weather beautiful...... ahhh, it was a reallyreally great show. He's still got it. Man, I had The Best Night! Waaahhoooo!

And today was an easy day. Went to the movies and saw "Death at a Funeral". Hilarious. Really damn funny. I highly recommend it. So well-written, very clever. Will see it again. I'm sure it's out on DVD up there by now, get it!

And that's pretty much that! Was a most excellent weekend if I do say so myself. Ok, so I didn't really have an adventure, but it was still a pretty high-ranking weekend. And I didn't take the camera to the concert, I really didn't feel like dragging it around feeling like a total geek. I've got my memories - like days before digital everything!

So there you are. I'd say c'mon down for a spontaneous visit, but I've seen how much plane tickets are. I don't blame you. But hope you're all well up there!!!! Drop a line sometime!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #17: For as little and close together as these apartments are, it's really quiet (aside from Monster Boy upstairs with his lead shoes)!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...