Well. That week's gone. Good week. Good weekend. But here we are again at Sunday. Sigh. That's ok though. I don't mind Sundays 'cos I like my job. It's the long wait until the next weekend that gets me down! Ahhhhh, nevermind, always happy to be employed!
So yeah. Work. It's really good. My boss is away on a month's vacation. Sigh. Yeah, I know, a month............. I don't have lots and lots to do, and
And then the weekend. Friday...... got the laundry and shopping done - excellent! Less chores for the real weekend! Saturday was most excellent. Lazed around the house until it was time to go to

And today was an easy day. Went to the movies and saw "Death at a Funeral". Hilarious. Really damn funny. I highly recommend it. So well-written, very clever. Will see it again. I'm sure it's out on DVD up there by now, get it!
And that's pretty much that! Was a most excellent weekend if I do say so myself. Ok, so I didn't really have an adventure, but it was still a pretty high-ranking weekend. And I didn't take the camera to the concert, I really didn't feel like dragging it around feeling like a total geek. I've got my memories - like days before digital everything!
So there you are. I'd say c'mon down for a spontaneous visit, but I've seen how much plane tickets are. I don't blame you. But hope you're all well up there!!!! Drop a line sometime!
1 comment:
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