Well. There it went. Another week. Man, it's really been feeling like Groundhog Day. I think because there's a week off of work coming, so maybe that's it. Am looking forward to it even if it means no money. A whole week to do what I want, when I want - waahhooooo!!!! But ooooooh, a week with no air-conditioning. The summer is settling in. It's been in the high 80's with 80% humidity. And it wants to rain, looks like rain, but no rain, only the joy of high humidity! So hopefully for the week off, even though it's been notoriously, disgustingly hot and humid at xmas, maybe it won't be as bad. Apparently it's been a cool summer so far, that it's supposed to have been way more gross earlier, like in November. Hmmm. Delayed Florida summer weather is fine with me!
So yeah. Work. Very good. Sorta kinda busy, but not like real busy.
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