Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weeks of Walks, Baseball and Escape!

Cairns water sculpture!Hi!
Well. Here we are, checking in a bit later than I thought it was.... eeeek - sorry about that! Time seems to fly when there's not a lot happenin'! But we're here now - it's a fairly warm and quiet afternoon, getting ready for summer by the feel of it. The chores are all mainly done...... The birds must be having a siesta because it's all rather quiet out there - for now. The kittehs are doing their best to protect the little Ahhhhhhhhhh NZ wine!apartment from anyone foolish enough to climb up over the balcony or up through the floor under my bed..... Got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, or rather, lounge tunes today just for something different, and of course checking in wouldn't be complete without a nice cool drink and today it happens to be a red wine spritzer - yes, it sounds gross but you try drinking red wine when it's warm out! And hey, you can't knock it until you've tried it, it's pretty good! So yes, all together, life is good!

Newcastle..... But work feels like this at times..........
So work. Yep. Is good. Been really quiet lately, which has been good for the most part because we've been able to catch our breath from the mainly busy year..... But I think we're all now starting to get bored..... We like to be busy. They've told us we'll be moving to the building right next door to where we are now because "we've just won sooooo much work and we're running out of room...". Whatever. There will be pluses and minuses to moving, the main plus being we won't have to share the floor (and tiny toilets) with the HR dingbats anymore, which is kind of a shame because they were good for comedy relief - walking into the kitchen to watch one of them dig a slice of toast out of the toaster with a metal knife being one of my favorite episodes of theirs....... The downside to the move is a fear that we're beingJust a typical day at the office....... rounded up to go into a pool of technical writers (as far as I'm aware I'm one of the only technical editors left in the building... gulp). We've been told we're moving, along with two other projects about our size or bigger, at the beginning of December, but within the week of telling us, they've changed the date three times. Soooo, we'll just wait and see. Otherwise, work is good. I just celebrated five whole years with them on the 8th of Nov. Crazy how fast it's gone...... But, no matter what, am always happy to have good, gainful employment!

Kona is sad the Mets lost the series too.
And then there were a few weekends in there....... Well, one weekend I can think of was spent watching the NY Mets get their butts kicked by the Kansas City Royals in the MLB World Series (thank you to whatever website I was able to find that was live-streaming it! Gotta love the interwebs these days). That was sad - first time the Mets had been back to the World Series since I lived in NYC - and that was 15 years ago (gasp)! And even then, that game was against the Yankees (Yankees suck!) and they got their butts kicked then too..... Poor Mets. Hopefully next year! Go Mets!

And then another weekend I went for a walk with my friend Julian out towards
To King Island!
the bay at Wellington Point to King Island, a teeny, little island that you can only get to at low tide. That was nice because we've been having some interesting storms during the day (usually this time of year we get them in the late afternoon or night) and the time we decided to go just so happened to be a break in the storm series - so the day was actually really, A moody city.....really, really nice and thankfully not too crowded. Then we headed to Cleveland Point (no, not Ohio, even tho that's what I always think when I see the road signs) and stopped in for lunch at a really cool, oooold place called The Grand View Hotel for steaks - nom! We even got to sit upstairs on their veranda, away from the crowded bar area downstairs. That was a good day.

And what else...... Oh, I know, this past Friday I actually went to my very first
Ahhhhhh, social swing dancing - I felt like this at the end....
swing social dance! I've been going to these classes once a week since June and I finally felt confident enough that I could do a few basic moves and not trip or fall (either myself or anyone else). It was fun! But seeing as these social dances are on [every second] Friday evenings, and I'm no spring chicken, man, I was pooped by 10pm - and it can easily go until midnight! Ahhhh, to be young and not have to get up every morning at 5am to go to your full-time job! I'm not so sure I liked the venue very much, the place itself was fine, in an old church, but the space was so hot and stuffy, and summer isn't even up to full steam yet; so am not sure how often I'll feel like going over the next couple of months...... But yes, it was fun - very glad I finally went!

Ahhhhhhhhhh Cairns!
And, well, I think that's about it. Mom and I are off to Cairns this weekend to see my friends Glen and Alison, so, really looking forward to getting out of town for a little bit and catching up with them! I don't get to see them very often as they're generally super busy either traveling all over the world, hosting family or working too much! And I think the last time I was up there was when Mom was here last! Yikes, time sure flies.

So, there you have it. Apologies for not checking in sooner - time certainly got away from me and am sorry. I hope you're all well up there - drop a line and let me know if you need annnnnnny help planning your trip down thisaway! Yay! 

Happy former resident of Cairns!
P.S. I swear, this little blog sure can make life hard sometimes - no idea what's going on with the font size. I've fought with it and fought with it for an hour so I've given up. Get yer glasses out!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...