Sunday, October 11, 2015

Coffee with Martians!

Former Cairns residents......

Well. Here we are on a very breezy but very sunny Sunday afternoon. The birds are having an afternoon nap, or are way out running errands because they're a bit quiet at the moment... Resting up for their evening gab-fest I suppose. The chores are mostly done..... even tho I put the filing on top of the little file box, it can't seem to find its way inside.... But, have got a nice cool glass of the standby sparkling Rose, got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, the kittehs are keeping watch of the balcony and bedroom, making sure nothing with wings gets past them and into the apartment.... Yes, life is good!

So, work. Yep. It's pretty good. Still waiting to hear our fate about our contract that expires at the beginning of December..... We're pretty sure it's all fine, it'sWork feels like this sometimes - you can see fun, but you're trapped. just the final clarification questions, lawyers and contracts people are happy, signatures, etc. Way to leave it 'til the last minute folks - you've only known this was coming for the last two years! But what can a gal do but wait it out and hope for the best. Otherwise, things have quietened down a bit... Which is good, gives us time to clean things up and get ready for the Xmas break. I think our customer is saving up the work to send us once the contract finally gets sorted..... They'll heap mountains of work on us just after New Year's, which is good I suppose. It certainly beats having no work at all!!!!!! Yay for work!!!!

Margaret (l.) and Mom - Picnic Point Park, Toowoomba!And then there've been a few weekends in there....... Am sorry - I've been meaning to check in but seem to have been doing things on these last few Sundays......! Let's see... Mom arrived from the US in the middle of Sept, so we've been out and about getting her phone sorted, got her a good set of walking shoes, show her theLaurel Bank Park - Toowoomba! bus to take to town, where my work building is, that kinda stuff. That weekend of the 26th Sept we headed over to Toowoomba to visit my "foster family" Paul and Margaret (he was my boss way back when I worked for Qld Fire - I'm their Xmas orphan) - they'd met Mom once before on her last visit out. That weekend was the final weekend of the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers - it's so pretty and the city council puts a ton of work into it, so we all had to check that out. Basically, the city council plants these amazing Laurel Bank Park - Sooooo many pretty flowers!flower displays at parks (and everywhere else they can jam some in!) all over town. People come from all over to see it, plus you can tour private homes and their gardens, tho we were a bit late in the festival for that. And then we just hung out and caught up, for once we able to catch up properly instead of over a hectic houseful of folks over Xmas! I don't mind Toowoomba, and it was really nice to see Paul and Margaret outside of Xmas. It was a great visit!

And what else.... We've been out to the movies, saw The Martian... ehh, itMartians - they're out there....... wasn't baaad, but I'd wait for DVD. I mean, Matt Damon is pretty much excellent in everything he does, and it was directed by Ridley Scott for cryin' out loud, but this was, while not a bad story or bad acting or anything, in fact it had a few pretty funny moments, I don't know what I expected really, but ehhh. I'd call it a DVD for a rainy day - it'd be perfect for that!

And then we've gotten out and run some errands, shown Mom around town (and giving the car a little run in the process)........ A bit of shopping - bought a fanceeeee pants Nespresso machine (and what seemed like hundreds of different little pods), The little coffee machine!something I kinda always said I'd never buy... But after spending the weekend at Paul and Margaret's using one, well, we decided it could be good to have one of our own. And the best part is, on Amazon, there are reusable/refillable pods that you can fill with your own coffee (looking at you Safari Coffee Roasters - here's a new idea for you - Nespresso-compatible pods!), which I think is pretty cool, and less wasteful (and cheaper too in the long run). So far it's pretty good. A bit of trial and error getting the right blend and amount, but it's fun to experiment. So now if only Safari Coffee would make compatible pods, life would be excellent!

And that's kinda been about it. Planning to go visit the friends Glen and Alison in
Glen and Alison, happy in Cairns!
Cairns in the next month or so, hopefully. It's always really nice to get up there, I rather like Cairns..... Maybe if things don't work out with the new contract at work.......? Hmmm! But before then Glen will be staying with us for a couple nights in, gosh, just a couple weeks, so it'll be good to see him and catch up. Haven't seen him/them in ages...! Looking forward to the visit(s)!

And that's about it, really! Still trying to get settled into the whole contact lens thing, but I think the one, single thing I've learned from all of this is that my eyes really aren't that bad at all and in the end I may just give up and just wear my stupid reading glasses (if I need to) at work! Gah. Well, I wanted to try them and now I can say I have! What else...... Am still going to my swing/lindy hop dance classes, just started another new eight-week block of both intermediate and beginner - that's nearly two and a half hours of dancing on Monday nights - go me! But am still trying hard to save for this trip over Xmas next year, golly that's gonna kill the bank account but man oh man it'll be worth it!!!!!!!

So there you have it. Sorry for not checking in, things have been busy and yet quiet, but all is well. Hope you're all well up there - hopefully summer has cooled down enough yet? I've seen San Diego has been 100 degrees - what the?! Down here we're enjoying a pretty decent spring so far. We've got to enjoy it while we can because it's so short that before we know it we'll be settled into summer and begging for winter to come - which is an excellent time of year for visitors to come, by the way (wink wink, hint hint)!!!!


Happy Toowoomba residents!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...