Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sand Gate to Chore-land


Well. Here we are, Sunday afternoon. A week late but I'm pretty sure no one noticed. The weather is kind of schizophrenic out there - lovely and sunny all day with a few clouds, then it
absolutely bucketed down while the sun was shining (got the laundry in just in time). That always messes me up when it rains and it's perfectly sunny with only a few puffy happy white clouds. Now it's cool and not raining with a few puffy happy white clouds, yet there's the odd crack of thunder. Huh. Wierd. Still though, it's nice enough to enjoy a cool glass of the standby Rosemount Semillon Sav Blanc. The reliably strange show tunes radio show is going - this week it sounds like British
atre songs (I think the DJ said Gilbert & Sullivan. Hmm.) from maybe the 50's (maybe earlier) - all chattering far too fast to understand (imagine "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" spoken/sung super fast by British theatre actors. Yeah. My head hurts too). Just waiting for the groovy cool jazz show...... And the birds are out there, tho not too many chittering lorikeets that I've heard lately, they must've moved to another patch of Gum Trees..... Having stripped all the ones near my place bare of anything I guess. Otherwise the afternoon is pretty nice - always happy when it's not stinking hot and humid! Life is good!

So work. Yep. Actually had stuff to do last week (and the week before) which was awesome because it made the days absolutely fly past (no Boeing pun intended - p.s. that's the website I've been toiling over.... sigh)! How novel having work to do! I wish it would happen more often. But that was it for this past week. I was temporarily helping another department quickly edit a massive technical manual for their customer. Whew. Technical manuals make my eyes cross. And it didn't get finished in time either. That should be ok - all the content was fine, it was just a few things to clean up. The customer should still be able to read it..... Here's hoping! Otherwise all's well. We lost our last pregnant gal to the hospital to wait out her delivery time. I think she has another 3 weeks to go. Man. 3 weeks just sitting around in a hospital and not being sick or hurt. Bummer dude. So that should make the place pretty quiet. No more pregnancy or baby talk - hooray! What a relief actually. It all sounds so uncomfortable. And to think modern Western women have it sooooooo easy compared to how they had to deal in say the 1700's or even 1800's or even earlier (cave man days - eeeessshhh)! Gah! And if you work in fields or live on a savannah?! Western women don't know how lucky they have things! So yes, all's well at work!

And then the weekends. They were fine. Last Saturday I took my friend Kim out for the day and to dinner in honor of my forgetting her birthday earlier in the month. Went to eat at Tiramisu - my favorite Italian restaurant and hopefully one of her new favorites! And this weekend was nice too - started off most excellently Friday evening with pizza and games at Jason and Clare's along with the usual suspects. Always such a really good night. I wish we could do it more often, but with them having 3 small children, I understand. And yesterday was nice (along with the weather), I took the train up to Sandgate to meet my friend Dom and his friend Josh for lunch at the Full Moon Hotel. Y'know, we go there all the time and every time the service just sucks. So I think we made the executive decision to never go there again. Primarily based on the fact that their two meals were cold and the staff were just plain cranky. So yeah. We'll have to find another spot up around that area with the same lovely view of the sea...... Which we think we might've found when we stopped in Margate at the place on the left (forgot the name tho I've been there a few times before) for a glass of wine... So far the staff were very nice and happy to take our money, which was more than we could say for the Full Moon Hotel! Hooray! And today the chores were done as I hadn't really made an effort over the last few weeks. It seemed time to bust out the bleach and mop. Always feel better when the little place smells of bleach with clean sheets and clothes! Happiness in a very dull houseldy chorey kinda way!

And so there you are. Oh, the reason why I neglected to check in last week was I just couldn't bring myself to chatter about, well, nothing. It was a week and a weekend much like most weeks so I thought I'd spare all two of you the pain of having to read about my dullness. Hey, I'm trying to save for the next Adventure - Melbourne in June for 4 days to catch up with Jeff and Emily and a new
family member, Jeff's new wife, Tami. This should be fun and interesting as they'll be shopping for a new place to live when he starts working at Monash University next March. Cooool! But hopefully they'll be here over Thanksgiving.....!? And then the next Adventure on the books is Cairns for the weekend of mah birthday (note to self - must book plane tickets....). So yes, keep that in mind when I have dull weekends - am usually trying to save for an Adventure! And it's also come to that time of year again - lease renewal time for my little place. I've been looking at new places to move to but in the end, just like every 6 months, I decide that where I am is still the absolute cheapest going in this part of town and that if I stay here Kona is happy to have a yard to run around in and I can afford to have Adventures and buy stuff. So I think this time, since I've decided I'm staying, I might buy a car. Yeah. Get out so I don't have to stare at my apartment all the time. I can go on mini-Adventures! So once I sign the renewal we'll see what I do...... will keep you posted. Cool!

So there you have it. I hope you're all well up there. And like I've said before, the weather's fantastic so there's no better time to come on down and check the place out! C'mon, it'll be fun! Cos you do realize I'm not going to get up there for another couple of years, right? So if you want to catch up you'll have to haul yer butt down here! C'mon people, I've been here over five years now and I can count on one hand the folks that have come for a visit..... So get moving!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...