Sunday, February 13, 2011

Goats, Laundry & Failed Errands.....


Well. Sunday evening has arrived yet again. Happily, the lorrikeets are back hollering at the crows to hit the road (literally or not I can't tell, don't speak 'keet). It's a very warm, muggy evening with big fat rain clouds sitting around up there doing no
thing, like Union guys on a stage set. Still tho, I have some borrowed air conditioning (whew!), a very cool glass of Verse 1 semillion sav-blanc (eh, it's just ok. Have to try every one of them before I can decide...), and the usually goofy show-tunes show on the radio before the groovy cool jazz show is featuring music from the career of John Barry - he of the James Bond film music fame (!). Even tho he did tons and tons of other compositions, the James Bond music (including Tom Jones, Shirley Bassey, Louis Armstrong, etc) has to be the coolest, and ones that will certainly kept his bank account in the black forever; even if he's dead - his kid's'll love it! So that's where we are this Sunday evening. All I can say is bring on autumn and the cool crisp days! Enough with this humidity and muggy heat already!

So work. Yep. Is good. Still without a lot to be doing yet editing-wise, which is a bit of a shame, I quite like editing... Tho the gals I work with are trying to give me stuff to do that they don't want to do. Meh, I don't mind. Helps the day go by and I get to learn how to update the website! Sweeeeet. Learnin' is fun! Otherwise, I'm pretty sure my contract has been extended but I'll know for sure when someone sends me an email or makes me sign something. Hmmm. Hope it's extended...... Otherwise, every day I'm in paid employment and not being yelled at is a good day! Hooooooray!

And then there was the weekend. Started off most excellently Friday evening with pizza and games with the usual suspects and two very rambunctious children too wound up to go to bed. And it was funny, as Sienna was carried off to bed she wailed sleepily "But I'm not tiiiiiiired!". Sigh, memories! A good evening was had by all, as we usually do.

Saturday was fairly productive - I slept in (2 bonus points right there),
did 2 loads of laundry, hit the grocery store, watched Magnum PI (hooray for mid-day TV!) and then had a good long nap. Ahhhhhhhhh! Also watched "The Men who Stare at Goats", now that was pretty funny I have to admit. And I think what made it so funny is the fact that parts of it are true. Silly ol' military. If you're in the mood, I can highly recommend it. Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges, Kevin Spacey and George Clooney were all good. I was impressed they could do it all with fairly straight faces (must have been lots of laughs cut out tho!). Now I really want to read the guy's (Jon Ronson) book who's experiences this whole film is based on.

And today was sort of productive. Why I feel the need to be productive on
the weekends when I have no Adventures planned is sort of beyond me. Guilt maybe, to not waste a perfectly good weekend. Probably the fact that when Sunday evening comes around and I haven't done anything except nap and watch TV (hey, I only just got my TV back again so I'm allowed) I feel a little like a loser and I want those 2 days back, I dunno................. Hmmmmm. Anyways, today I ran errands, most of them sort of failed in that the shops were either just gone from the face of the earth (uh-erm, Bose.....), or they quit carrying what I wanted over a year and a half ago (umm, Freedom Furniture... tho they do have a very nice leather, 3 seat sofa-bed for $1,600 that I'm really tempted to buy.........), tho I did manage to pick up a neat bamboo shower mat (not from Freedom). And that was most of my Sunday. It's just too bloody hot and humid to get out and about and be fantastically productive. Just wait for when autumn comes around, I promise to get out, and take more photographs especially!

So there you have it. Hey, hooray for dull in a way - at least Mother Nature is taking a break from kicking Australia's ass! Hopefully this means the worst is over, or at least nearly over and the cool weather won't be far....... So hope you're all well up there and defrosting or drying out...... Feel free to come on down any time you think you need a break from crappy cold winters!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...