Well. Late, again. Like late. Am sorry. Last weekend I couldn't check in..... well, for now I'll just say I can't party like I used ta could! And this weekend it was just way too bloody hot and humid in the evening to make my poor little computer suffer through that, only a year after the heat killed it the first time! Let alone make me suffer through it! So today am writing from the cool comfort of work - hooray for free air-con!
So. Work. Is good. My boss is going away (to the US actually) for a while and then to an air show outside of Melbourne, and he won't be back until April, which is when my contract expires.... So I hit him up the other day about whether or not he wanted to keep me around..... And so far I still haven't got a real answer, but
And then there were the weekends... Last weekend was really really good. A guy I used to work with (Julian) at Southbank (my first job here), he always throws
And then that Sunday, a gal I work with (Heidi) and her partner (Naomi) picked me up (so nice to
So that's why I missed last weekend. And then that week was pretty busy for the first half with errands after work, dinner with Kim at

And then there was this weekend. Saturday was good because, again, Heidi & Naomi picked me up and we headed out to the "Tip Shop" - it's a shop the city council has set up, they have a few of

So there you have it. A couple of busy weekends compared to how boring I normally keep them! Oh, and we survived the cyclone fine down here in Brisbane, not even any rain. Further north didn't fare so well, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse if it'd hit Cairns. So, overall the state was pretty lucky. And now the outskirts of poor Perth are on fire and South Australia is flooding! Poor Australia is really copping a hell of a lot of crap from cranky ol' Mother Nature! All we did was suffer through 10 years of drought - why all this at once???! So once Mother Nature has finished hammering the country, feel free to come down and have a look at what's left before she strikes again!
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