Monday, January 03, 2011

New Year with Pups, Sand & A Little Sun!


Well. Am a day late. I think the photo on the left kind of explains why I couldn't be bother
ed - yesterday it was just too bloody hot, too late in the day for my brain to work. But am here now! Got mah cool glass of red wine this evening...... Jazz tunes are streaming from the interweb....... There haven't been too many lorikeets out there lately... I think the seeds they were eating off the palm trees have all been eaten and they've had to invade other palms in other people's yards... Which is fine by me, they'd wake me up around 4 in the morning, every morning! But never mind, here we are!

So work. Yep, go back tomorrow. Holidays officially over. But apparently a few folks are still going to be on vacation so it'll be fairly quiet until probably around the end of the month. Lucky ducks! Ahhh well, I really don't mind as am just soooooo happy to A) Have had a paid break off and B) Have a job! HOORAY!

And then there was the weekend. Friday was New Year's and went over to Jason & Clare's for pizza and games..... Now, I know I'm getting old when to me that is a perfect NYE. We old farts even made it until 1.30am! Of course, that's pretty amazing for them as they have 3 very small children. If it were me I'd probably be face-planted in the pizza come 10pm or so, at best. They are my new small children-raising heroes! And then I came home to find my neighbor and two of his friends passed out in the driveway. Huh. Tho I must say, the next day he was awfully quiet aside from the vomiting spells. Sigh.... I have dreams where I live in a modern, bright, solid, QUIET place...... I don't care if it's an apartment or a house, just as long as I can't hear, see or smell my neighbors. Hmmmm, someday........ Although in saying that I just renewed the lease on this shit-box for another 6 months. And for the first time since I've ever lived in this heap, they haven't raised the rent. Amazing how not charging me $5-10 bucks more per week will motivate me to stay on for 6 more months. Now if only the neighbors downstairs would move out and a lovely quiet Japanese Med Student would move in instead. Sigh........

And then Saturday was quiet, some chores, some TV...... I'm trying to get through that "True Blood"
HBO series...... ehhhhh, I really quite like the premise, but otherwise.... Hmmmm.... have finished the 1st season, might give season 2 a chance and if it doesn't swing me, will find a new show. I hear "Dexter" is quite good....... But trotted down to my oft-neglected way awesome video store, Network Video (is as awesome as Casa Video in Tucson, and that's the Most Awesome Video Store on the Planet), and picked up the first couple episodes of "Rome", another HBO series filled with amazing sets, costumes, stories, boobies and violence. Seems to be the formula for a decent HBO series. Hmmm. So we'll see how that goes. All I know is, if I haven't mentioned it already, this new TV and this fancy pants modern Blu-ray stuff is the BEST! Shame there isn't better stuff on TV.... but that's what the Blu-Ray player is for! Hooray!

And Sunday was more chores. But boy it was hot from early morning until late at night. Stupid summer. In the end it melted my brain and all it was good for was sitting in front of the fan watching TV. Sad. But today made up for it - I went out to Red Beach (pup friendly!) over on Bribie Island with a gal from work, her partner and their two way totally cute Jack Russell Terriers Jackie and Georgie. It was an awesome day! Tho sitting here, I must say, the bits not covered by sunscreen (which I forgot) are on some serious fire. Bloody Australian sun. Wooooweeeee! Time for the aloe and peppermint oil! My poor feets! But it was quite interesting to see the damage/changes to the coastline after all the storms we've had. Photos don't quite do it justice. Still tho, the day was perfect, and as you well know we haven't had many of those at all for the last few months!

So there you have it. The end of the holidays. Thank god. Every year after the holidays wrap up (no pun intended), I always vow to go rent a beach house on some remote island and sit the whole couple of weeks out. One of these days I really will and it'll be the best set of holidays ever! But for now, I can't think of a better place to spend them than in Australia - no snow!!!!!!!!! So any time you feel the urge to escape, you're more than welcome Down Under!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...