Sunday, January 09, 2011

Cabin-Fever in the Rain........


Well. Here we are, Sunday evening, rain rain rain. A few die-hard birds are muttering away out there with soaked feathers trying to get the best of whatever food hasn't been turned into soup...... gee, can birds even eat soup, I
wonder..... Anyways, I digress. At least the evening, rather the last 4+ months, has been cool if not really, really damp. Got the bizarre show-tunes radio show on - tonight includes music from Bernard Herrmann (he of Hitchcock films' music), the Sound of Music and the Godfather soundtracks.... Hmmmmmmmm. Got the glass of cool red wine (can't drink the stuff at room temperature here in Brisbane no matter how cool the evening appears to be - the wine is always way too warm to actually drink, so, law against it all - it's ice cubes). But never mind, here we are!

So work. Yep, it's good. Although last week, the first week back for some of us, was dead quiet. I've seen more action in graveyards. But, I'm not complaining. I have an idea of what's coming my way so have treasured every quiet hour. I mean, nice as it is to have the odd quiet time, it is nice to have something with which to pass the 8 hours....... So, am gearing up for the busy time, whenever that may come. Am scared it's going to come out of the blue (no pun intended).... Oh well, as long as I've got something constructive to do - bring it!

And then there was the weekend. Yawn yawn yawn. Was Dullsville, Queensland. Got some chores done Saturday. Got some editing done today (job for a friend). Gave mahself a manicure. And that's about it. Oh, watched "Hot Tub Time Machine" with John Cusack. I have to say I didn't expect much at all. It was hilarious. I laughed 3/4 of the way through it, and that's really saying something. That, or it's been that long since I've seen a good comedy....... I mean, it wasn't a deep and meaningful film, but it was pretty funny. C'mon, be brave, give it a watch! And this evening's entertainment is going to be the new "Sherlock Holmes"..... I have high-ish hopes.

And so, sadly, that's about it. I honestly can't think of anything more exciting (or not) to add. Oh, well, not so much exciting as news worthy, in case any of you have seen stories on the news about the
floods here in Queensland, we here in Brisbane (in South East Queensland) are fine and not much affected. Only when we get lots and lots and lots of rain in one go are low-lying streets and folks living near big creeks affected. Otherwise, the worst of it all has been up a few hours north of us, and that's because the land and rivers up that way have been inundated with rain further upstream, swelling the rivers downstream. It's terrible and really sad as lots of those folks have been cut off from everything for weeks now, going back to Xmas. The military has had to airlift supplies to them. And the rivers that have peaked aren't expected to recede for another week or so because, again, the land is saturated and the water has nowhere to go. Pretty sad too for all their livestock and fruit and veggie crops, which will affect all of Australia in the coming months. Bummer dude. But otherwise, we here in Brisbane are fine thus far. Brisbane had a really bad flood in 1974, but since then dam engineering and river management (?) has improved, hopefully protecting us from another flood like that. But, you never know, we can only hope!

So there you have it. A bit dull I'm afraid but that's the way it is at the moment. Really just waiting for this rain to go away. The weather gurus seem to think we might have a sunny day maybe next Saturday. But thankfully I'm not the only one with cabin-fever, almost everyone I know (and don't know for that matter) are bruised and battered from walking into walls with boredom. We really quite like to play outside here, and to not have been able to for months and months is starting to make everyone stir crazy. Hopefully soon we'll get a break. Even Kona has resigned himself to infrequent patrols of the parameter. Good thing I ordered that toilet-training kit, guess it'll come into good practice once it arrives, cos am sick of litter!

Otherwise, hope you're all well up there. I heard about the shooting in Tucson of the congresswoman........... Arizona, you're embarrassing me in front of all these Australians! Now can we please have gun control??! It was bad enough having the Terminator running California, now this! You know you're most welcome to come down here and have a break from all that political nonsense any time!


P.S. Was unable to include interesting hyperlinks as per usual, because, with the rain, the internet is acting up something fierce. Crikey. Will update tomorrow...........

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...