Well. Look at this - checking in 2 weekends in a row! Gasp! Just like old times! I suppose because I actually got out of the house a coupla times this week and actually had a little bit of fun. Had to do something to break up the monotony of looking for work!
So work. Yep. We're still parted. Still looking. Same ol' story there..... Trust me when I say the day I do finally get a gig, I'll check-in with a special 'breaking news just in' post! Fingers crossed it's sooner rather than later.....!!!?
And then there were very small Adventures had (hooray)! Monday
And then there was the rest of the week. Eh............ quiet. Hot and humid
And then there was the weekend. Got out a bit, which was niiiice. Yesterday, Saturday, went out for a good long walk with Kim over to show her the "nice" side of Fortitude Valley - James Street. Oooooh