Sunday, January 10, 2010

Phoenix the Little Laptop Returns - Again!


Well, here I am! After all this computer stuff I swear am gonna go get a job in IT...... Was unable to check
in last week like I'd promised due to the sad fact I had to euthanize my little computer. After restoring it the first time, it kinda went downhill with the Internet misbehaving and then it all just started to seize up again. So there was only one thing for it - putting it down the most humane way possible. After that, it was back to the start again, thankfully it even started up again (like a little Frankenlaptop, minus the bolts and lightning....). So it's been a sort of chasing my tail kinda thing where I do one thing then realize one thing won't work because it hasn't been installed, discovering vanished files, etc etc etc. Am tired of this. Thankfully I have backup drives. If it weren't for them I'd be writing this from an Internet cafe next to some scary dread-locked, sweaty tourists. Come to think of it, with the heat and the humidity, this little apartment is kinda like an Internet cafe, minus the tourists... Come to think of it, I am a tourist........... Hrm. Anyways, we're back and up and running merrily along! Hooray!

So work. Yeah. No. Stupid holidays. Curse these Australians for being given 4 weeks vacation a year [angrily shakes Commie fist in air]! Still putting in the applications, had some phone calls telling me to wait until next year. Well, tomorrow is apparently the day when they all finally drag their butts back to the office. Now c'mon, get moving you HR people and hire me! I mean, I know the end is neigh, I love not working and not having to deal with all that office crap. But whhoooowweeeee, life is boring without a paycheck! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Unless you happen to be the guy here who just before Xmas won $40 million - only one to win the whole thing. About my age too. I try not to dwell and hope that the next job I get won't make me want to quit come lunchtime. So chin up, hopefully things start to fall into place starting tomorrow. I mean, the fact I got the little computer up and running not once but twice, has to be an omen of good fortune!?

Otherwise, where did we leave off last.... Ahhh, just before xmas...... So I was invited to my xmas
foster home again this year. My old nice boss and his family. It was lovely. Fantastic. Excellent food. Hee hee, after lunch we watched the new Star Trek movie. It was just nice to see them and catch up. His son and his fiance are getting married this year and are going to the US for their honeymoon. Awwwww, so I gave them some ideas of where to go; they've been before but want to do some road-trips this time. Cool man! So yes, tho quiet, xmas was nice. Sad too tho, Mom sent a package that has yet to arrive........ The postal workers here got pretty cranky the week of xmas and decided to go on strike. So I have a feeling my little package has gone to the Dead Package Office. Or perhaps to some happy postal workers home. At least I had a couple cards to open for xmas.......!

And then there was New Years. Well that turned out fine. I was invited over to a friend's to play the board game we play and eat his fantastic homemade pizza (note to self: when gainfully employed, must buy mini-pizza oven) and even got to meet the brand new third addition to their family! Oh such a cute big little baby boy! But boy were they all tired. Hats off to them for barely making it to 11.30pm when she couldn't take it anymore. So we all said our goodbyes and happy new years and headed for home. Where I just had time to get a glass of wine and turn the tv on to see the fireworks around Sydney harbor! Bye bye 2009! Hooray!

So that brings us to today. Ooooooh it's been pretty darn quiet on the adventure side of things. Lots of the folks I was running around with went out of town.... Am out of monies...... Makes for pretty dull
adventures. But now that folks are back from vacation, hopefully one will hire me and the adventures can begin again! Tho I must say I did manage to get out once and see "Avatar". Hmmm. James Cameron must've had quite a tough time with those hallucinations he sustained while hiking in the Amazon with his buddies.... well, that's my theory anyways. It wasn't as corny as I expected, but why oh why did it have to be Americans tearing up this lovely little planet? Why not someone else? We get enough bad rap for reals! And now he's making a part two! Sigh. So, to help out the entertainment world, because yes I really can do better than that, I've started work on a brand new tv sitcom. Yeah, it's a sell-out, but where else does the money from? I think it could be quite cute in a sort of "Fraiser" kinda way. Stay tuned, am only just nutting out the finer points.....!

So there you are. Computer is up and running again, HR folks finally come back to work this week, the temperature, well, it's still pretty hot and way gross, but I have hope! Hooray for the new year! Hope you've all had good holidays up there (sorry about the East Coast.... tee hee). Drop a line sometime and let me know that there's at least one person out there who's read this!?


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...