Well. Long time no gossip! Just got back on Wednesday from my month-long
So work. Yep. Well, that finally, officially, finished on the Friday before we left to no fanfare, which was good. I vaguely remember being busy all day and even think I stayed late. But. There it was. Over and done with. Sigh. I put a lot of work into that gig. Maybe next time it’ll pay off. So the hunt begins anew! Sigh.
So The Trip! Was good. Not sure how to sum it up, perhaps will try week by week….. Ha! The trick is gonna be to remember everything!!! Cos it was four weeks and like 2 new cities a week with much fun had along the way…….! So will start with:
Week #1 Aug30th – Sept6th
30th – We landed in LA where we picked up our rental car (Mazda 6, eh, it was ok, pretty speedy I must admit) and had a good drive alllllll over town, even got up to the Hollywood hills to have a good view of the Hollywood sign. I got to have my first Mexican take out meal in years of 3 rolled tacos with hot sauce, guacamole and a quesadilla with hot sauce and guacamole on the side – heaven. Makes my mouth water just thinking back and writing about it. Mmmmm. Then we aimed for
31st – Was Disneyland where it was like 110 degrees. Bloody hot, but no
crowds! We were there for the opening bell and by noon we’d hit every major ride. I think the longest we had to wait was for
1st – Was touristy sightseeing –
2nd – We flew off to
3rd – Was Pier 39/Fisherman’s Wharf, the seals that live there and my god it’s a whole shopping mall now! With seals! After scoping out
thought it would be a fantastic idea if we walked up what felt like the steepest hill in town (Hyde Street) to have a view down Lombard Street (the really cool and twisty street). So we got up there, took photos of the sun setting and the moon rising and decided we’d walk down it. Then walk back up it. Excellent workout. Then, satisfied we’d crammed in a year’s worth of hill walking in an hour, we headed back to the hotel where we died.
4th – We headed over to see the ‘7 Sisters’ – the neat little row of restored Victorian houses near the pretty little park where they filmed a fair few things, easiest one to remember is that TV show “Full House”. Very pretty even if it was cloudy and a little rainy. Next we were off to the
hat’s really pretty cool. When we arrived it was cloaked in fog but as the day moved along so did the fog and by the end of our visit the sun was shining bright blue. It was lovely. Such a cool bridge, if that can be said about a bridge. I mean, I’m still partial to the
5th – Found us heading out bright and early on our little road trip to
e ever been to – and I thought the Scripps Aquarium in
the place now. It’s basically a big strip mall. Hmmm. Neat to see at least once I suppose! Then we packed up and headed south along the
d the traffic turned everything into one slowly shifting parking lot. So we had a drive down to the sea (or as near as we could get to it) then headed back out of town away from the traffic and money to continue along Highway 1 towards Big Sur (got there just in time for sunset – it was stunning, wish I had photos, no time to stop……) and finally coming rest in San Simeon and the last hotel in town with an overpriced room as everything in that part of the world was fully booked due to the holiday weekend. Eh, it did the trick and breakfast was included!
6th – We turned the road trip inland to Highway 5 where we made a beeline for
So there you have it – Week #1! Told you it was action packed. It’s neat to think back on all we did because now being back here it seems like forever ago, but describing it all day by day makes it seem like it was just last week we were there (well, we kinda were!)! Ahhhhhh, was great. Tune in next week for Week #2! Hope you’re all well up there. Am sorry we blew through town so quickly, so much to do! And am sorry for not checking in from the road, it was difficult with no computer, or at best overpriced internet cafes. Thankfully my memory has improved over the last few months (hooray for the Nintendo DS ‘More Brain Training’ game!) and am able to go over the trip with details! Hooray for adventure!!!!!!
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