Well. That’s another week in the can. Busybusybusy. Soooo busy at work and lots of little things at home. And then the weekend. And now it’s Sunday evening! Where does the time go? I heard a guy on the radio the other day give a countdown 'til Xmas. Man. It’s bad enough as it is.
So work. Yep. Is fine. B u s y. Which is good, but it’s getting to the point that I don’t have five minutes to do my own stuff. Yes, I know you’re not supposed to do your own stuff at work, but some stuff you just have to because that’s the only time stuff is open! But yes, work is good. Little (and some not so little) projects keep coming my way, which is good, but getting to be kinda nuts. Nevertheless, am going to do all I can to make myself indispensable so that I can hopefully be extended past Dec 31st – when I’m due to expire. Sigh. I wish I could have a normal job where I don’t have to worry about expiration dates. But hey, ultimately, am always happy to have a job!
And then the weekend. Fairly quiet, which is nice. Yesterday I went with Cindy and Janette to the
And that’s about it! Think I may sell the Little Scooter. Sad, but am
And there you are. Hope you’re all well up there! C’mon down for a visit! If I sell the Little Scooter, I’ll have money for An Adventure!
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