Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back on the Airwaves!


Well. Long time no catch-up! It has been all go since moving day, which was, like, last month it seems. Whew! And it's still kind of
going on in that I have yet to unpack a few boxes (meaning: I need to buy a bookshelf which will then solve my 3 stray boxes problem....), still painting, still settling. But I really quite like my new digs, even if it is a bit dumpy!

So. Work. Yeah. Has been busybusybusy. But very good. I got to spend two days at the busiest fire station in Queensland (Kemp Place Fire Station, just in the city) to "observe" the systems they use and how it all works. Aaaaannnd, I got to ride around with them in the fire trucks for call-outs! Wow! It was coooooooool! Nothing exciting happened and even if there had I would've had to stay near the truck, didn't want to get in the way or in trouble! But otherwise, work has been good. Busy, which is good, makes the days go by fast.

And the "new" apartment. It's good, coming along. I really like it. It's much better than the last place. No more Monster Boy stomping
around at all hours. No more cars zipping past my bedroom window. No more people/landlords wandering past my windows looking in. I kinda have a view from up here of the sunset and Mt. Cootha (must get some photos). I mean, this isn't my swish place in Spring Hill, but it's a lot better than where I was! So I've moved in and painted the whole thing. Twice. Including the ceilings. But I had two other people help, thankfully. So now am painting the trim and the edges. Sigh. It's painfully slow as it all needs 2 coats. But, it's a pretty small percentage compared to having to paint the whole place on my own! And it's worth it. It looks a hundred times better. Plus, it's given me a chance to buy A Power Tool! I am now the proud owner of a Black & Decker cordless drill/screwdriver, the one with the battery pack on the bottom. And it's gotten quite a workout so far. Have installed towel rails and a medicine cabinet in the bathroom, hung some pictures and mirrors and hung up a big roman blind to close off the kitchen from the bedroom at night. I am so handy I can't stand it! And this stuff is all sooooooooo easy! 'Course, now when the time comes to move out, I'll leave the towel rails (they were like $6 bucks a piece) but I will be the proud owner of a lone roman blind and a medicine cabinet! Thankfully it matches my dressers, so can hide more stuff in it when I have to! But some lucky window will be dressed with a roman blind!

So what else has been happening....... Not a lot aside from moving and work. Went out with Natasha, her brother and friends for her birthday drinks last night. Haven't seen her and everyone for a while as she and Veronica went to Spain for 3 weeks. So it was great to catch up and see everybody.

I'm trying to think what's been happening while I've been off the air........ Honestly, sadly, not a whole lot aside from moving and painting and the usual errand-running. Have finally paid off the little scooter - it's all mine! Even tho am now thinking (again) of selling it. I love it but haven't been riding it as much. And tomorrow is the first day of spring, which means it's going to rain all week; so no scooter rides. And am not far off from paying off the credit card once and for all and then will be totally debt-free! Yeeaaaa!

And that's really about it. Been renting a lot of dvd's (by mail). Checking out older films like "Dog Day Afternoon" and "Serpico" (both based on true stories). Man, Al Pacino is a fantastic actor, even if he's done some stinkers in recent years. Also been watching a most excellent show called "Dead Like Me". It's amazing. Soooooooooooooooo good. So clever. I highly recommend it. Even tho it only made it through two seasons, there's a movie coming out in 2009. Cool.

Ok. So that really is it. Now that I'm looking down the barrel of being debt-free, and I've adjusted my taxes so the tax department doesn't take out as much as they used to (I filled out a form wrong somewhere and they were taking out hundreds more than normal), am going to start saving for some adventures. Mainly a xmas adventure if I can. Want to go to Tonga or Fiji. I just want to sit on an island with a palm tree and a hut, just like what you see in the brochures. Yeah. Hmmm. Will work on it!

So drop a line and tell me what you've all been up to?! Or, now that the US dollar is getting stronger, c'mon down! Hurry before summer comes!


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Movin', Movin', Movin', Keep Those Scooters Movin'...


Well. That’s another week in the can. Busybusybusy. Soooo busy at work and lots of little things at home. And then the weekend. And now it’s Sunday evening! Where does the time go? I heard a guy on the radio
the other day give a countdown 'til Xmas. Man. It’s bad enough as it is.

So work. Yep. Is fine. B u s y. Which is good, but it’s getting to the point that I don’t have five minutes to do my own stuff. Yes, I know you’re not supposed to do your own stuff at work, but some stuff you just have to because that’s the only time stuff is open! But yes, work is good. Little (and some not so little) projects keep coming my way, which is good, but getting to be kinda nuts. Nevertheless, am going to do all I can to make myself indispensable so that I can hopefully be extended past Dec 31st – when I’m due to expire. Sigh. I wish I could have a normal job where I don’t have to worry about expiration dates. But hey, ultimately, am always happy to have a job!

And then the weekend. Fairly quiet, which is nice. Yesterday I went with Cindy and Janette to the
African Festival, part of the Brisbane Arts Fest that’s been going on over the last month or so. It was neat. Perfect weather. Lots of people. The food smelled fantastic but the lines to buy it were stupid long. So we hung around for a couple hours, listening to the bands and checking out the little tents (bought a Masai bracelet. Cool) until we decided we were starving. So keeping with the African theme, we went in search of an African restaurant. And once we found the right neighborhood (not far from the festival), we actually had choices! So we went with one down a little alley that promised Ethiopian food. Just a little place with the guys loitering out the front and the women cooking it up in the teeny kitchen. We had 3 dishes, lamb, beef and a vegetarian curry, a fermented pancake-like side (it was just like a sourdough pancake) and a few “samboosas” (samosas). It was gooooood. So incredibly filling. It certainly didn’t look like enough food (hold your Ethiopian jokes ‘til the end), but once it hit the tummy, it was plenty. Man it was good. It was all in the spices and flavors. I highly recommend it if you ever get the chance. And then it was out for a glass of wine, then to Janette’s for another glass of wine (we love our wine, can’t you tell) and then it was home! Such a good day. I love those kinds of days.

And then today has been Serious Chores Pt. I – took down all the curtains and washed them, took down the galvanized mesh (to help keep the cat in, or to at least make it tough for him to escape quickly), cleaned the windows (frosted glass, makes it much easier) and vacuumed. All in preparation for The Move this coming Saturday. I hate moving, even if it is just one little floor up. I actually haven’t got much to do, seeing as the place is so small, but there’s still stuff to be done. I wish you could pay people to do all of this for you while you sit poolside at some flash hotel sipping margaritas. Oh wait, it is possible but it costs money. Hmmm. It could be worth it…… So yes. Been busy all day finding spider corpses and inhaling far too much dust and cat fur.

And that’s about it! Think I may sell the Little Scooter. Sad, but am not riding it as much as I’d like due to weather and traffic getting worse because of all the construction between my house and work. That, and I’ve been hearing far too many stories lately about mangled motorcycle riders. I hate to do it because the times I’m out and about on it it’s brilliant, but lately, it’s “me vs. everyone” and I quite like all my body parts where they are, intact and unbroken….. So yeah. Will keep you posted. I’ve been threatening to do it for a few months now….. We’ll see.

And there you are. Hope you’re all well up there! C’mon down for a visit! If I sell the Little Scooter, I’ll have money for An Adventure!


Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...