Well. Another week to cross off the calendar. Was a good week, started a bit slow but certainly picked up and now, here we are at another week! Sometimes it feels like 'Groundhog Day', but that's ok - am happy to be employed in a decent gig!
So yeah. Work is good. I actually managed to finish all of my little projects to the point where I handed the last one to my boss, went b
And today, well, here I am. Probably stayed out way past my bedtime last night and now I have no energy. But, I've done my chores and now I'm watching "Broken Flowers", Jim Jarmusch movie with Bill Murray. Jim Jarmusch is one of my all-time favorite directors. Yeah.
And that's that. Boring, I know. And I know I haven't done anything really exciting either. Too busy
So there you are. Another week in Dullsville, Australia. Well, xmas is coming, that'll be a fantastic week off. Will do stuff then!
Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #16: My favorite Italian restaurant is right around the corner from me, so I don't have to cross town or make reservations!