Sunday, May 20, 2007

Passing... People, Sunsets & Traffic


Well. Boy, is it hard to work 5 days in a row after the luxury of only working 4 days..... What a work wuss I am. I love not being at work. I love not having to do anything if I don't want to. Ahhhhhh, but, to have such a nice, harmless, cruisy gig, bliss. Admittedly, it is about as exciting as watching paint dry, but I still love it. I tried my best to win the $30mil lottery last Thursday.... That's ten bucks I won't get back. Other than little hiccup, the week was fine.

But, some sad news to mention, my Uncle Doug passed away last Friday. Complications of a multitude of aliments, mainly after-effects of 2 strokes, diabetes..... Sad. He was young (57) but man, he put up a reallyreally tough fight. The stuff he lived through would've killed most people. But finally, he'd had enough. I mean really, how much more can you and your body take? I like the thought that ultimately, (in some cases) we have control over these things, where we can just take stock and decide, yep, enough, I'm outta here. So, hat's off to you Uncle Doug - you've proved the family come from tough stock! Via con dios (as my Grandad would have me say)!

So yeah. Work was nice, dull, lovely and easy. They're nice people, they all seem to get along quite well, no one is a drama queen/king, they laugh a lot (and no one tells them to stop), they play a lot of solitaire on their computers (and no one yells at them to get back to work or you'll be fired), they talk in quite voices, no one has to holler or talk excitedly, it's probably one of the most chilled-out places I've ever worked. Which is really ironic considering I work at the headquarters for the Queensland Department of Emergency Services. Excellent. I really hope they keep me and doing what I'm doing now. Ahhhhhh, I know good gigs never last, but I hope this one has a few miles left on it yet........!?

And the rest of the week was good. Lovely weather still, which is crazy because winter is due in like a week or two and it's still pool weather! So last week I put on my brave boots (as Jan says) and I rode the little scooter into work 3 days that week. Didn't ride it on Monday because I had to find out where I could park it without it getting towed so an ambulance or fire truck could park there instead. And didn't ride it Friday because the weather folks threatened rain (it didn't, but those clouds sure looked like they weren't messing around). It's excellent getting to work in 10-15 minutes under my own steam rather than the 45 it takes under, well, public transports steam. It's a pretty busy road though, with 3 lanes in either direction, but so far so good! The traffic is really hard to predict here. Some mornings/evenings it's absolute mayhem, and then others it's easyeasy. Weird. And never on the days you expect it. Tee hee, poor little scooter, it's only meant to go at a top speed of like 45mph (70kmh for those of you savvy with the metric system), so for me to be able to keep up with traffic, the poor thing is at top tilt. I get to work and shut it off and the little thing practically hisses with steam. But it goes and it goes well. So if anyone is looking into start in the little scooter market, I can highly recommend this little Yamaha Vino 50cc to start with. It rocks! Or, in the spirit of Ol' Steve Irwin - Scooters Rule!

And this weekend was lovely. I did nothing. Well, I cleaned, read Harry Potter, and then went over to Natasha's for dinner. She can cook. Sent me home with 4 containers of food!

But, sadly, no adventures. Not unless you count standing at the bus stop near Natasha's house for an hour at 11.30 at night waiting for the bus to not arrive, watching drunk teenagers at the house party next door pass out in the middle of a fairly busy sidewalk, and then me getting fed up and hailing a cab home, as an adventure, then yes, a little one was had. It was certainly entertaining. And, there were police cars everywhere and none of them stopped to pick the little teenagers up and put them back in their house! Crazy! But then, these kids can legally drink at 18 here. Hmmmmmm.

So there you go. A nice, quiet week with a hint of sadness. Ahhhhhh, well, none of us lives forever! Might as well see it all while you're here! So hurry up and get down here and see it!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...