Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dull Boas (on Scooters)


Well. That's that for short weeks for the time being. I guess we don't get another holiday until June 11th, that's the Queen's Birthday (well, not really, I guess they thought it just sounded like a good day to honor it), so that's something to look forward to. Otherwise, the week was nice and short and hassle-free, just the way a week should be!

So, work, yeah, it's good. The project manager was down from Gladstone (somewhere up north a ways) to help get me on the right track and to help with little bits I didn't know how to do. Since it's the government, they love their acronyms (initials for everything under the s.u.n.) and they refer to a lot of them, so he helped me decipher them all. Boy, only two weeks into this gig and if any of you ever need to know how to set up and run a volunteer rural fire brigade - I'm the gal to ask! And, next week, I get to read the entire volunteer manual (the thing I'm editing & etc) to highlight relevant words and phrases so they can go into a digital search engine. Yawn, I know, but hey - I like it! It's not babysitting!!!!!!!!! Hooray!

So what else...... Kinda dull week otherwise. Quiet weekend. The last couple of weekends I ran around so it was nice to just hang around in my clean little apartment and throw crumpled up bus tickets at the cat (it's his favorite thing next to shredding anything with feathers, hence the blue feather boa - cat toy). I'm a dork, but the new/last Harry Potter book is coming out at the end of July (have reserved mine already!) so I've been getting all the others out of the library so that I'm up to speed when the new one comes out. Tee hee. I really like them. Good, fun and easy to read. So spent a bit of the weekend reading those. All I can say is she sure hit gold with that series. Good for her. Pretty clever stuff really.

And what else..... cleaned, grocery store visit, etc. Today it's been raining off and on but I managed to make it down to the Riverside Markets to meet Natasha for her fresh veggie fix. Then we had a wander around Queen Street Mall and that was enough. I got home and decided that I'd take the little scooter out to figure out how to get to work. It's along a pretty busy main road, but man, it only took 10 minutes! What takes me about 45 every morning to walk to the train station, ride the train, then walk from there to work - hell, it only takes 10 minutes on the little scooter! But far more exciting in a busy traffic kinda way. So we'll see how brave I'm feeling this week. That and the weather. I know I got all the cool waterproof gear now (with body armour!), but rain is rain and people are idiots in it no matter what. Maybe once the weather clears up.......

So yeah! That's that! Quiet, dull, no adventures (unless you count figuring out how to scoot to work, which is kind of an adventure), well, like I say, until the job thing.......... blahblahblah..... But I did just realize the other day that I haven't had a vacation in a really long time. I mean vacation vacation, where you sit around drinking fancy drinks with umbrellas in them on a sunny beach and do nothing more strenuous than go for a swim kinda vacation. Hang on, I don't think I've ever been on one of those come to think of it! Oh sure, some of you would say "but being in Australia is a vacation in itself!" Wrong. It's the same grind, just different real estate. So yeah, I'm really hoping the job thing settles down so I can go away and chill out and not worry! Someday!

So there it is! Hope you're all well up there! Let me know if anyone needs a boomerang or a cork hat!


(P.S. No, I'm not pulling a Muriel. I just thought this display was way wierd with the skinny, mini-bride. It's kinda creepy, in a Tim Burton kinda way.)

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