Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Alive and Trained!


Well. A good week if I do say so myself. Hey, after a few rides on the little scooter, am still alive and in one piece!!!!!!!

Ahhhhhhh, the scooter is excellent!!! And no, I haven't come up with a name yet. But I will say its color, tee hee, is called, "Hi-Ho Silver" harharhar!!!!!! So perhaps will call it Tonto....! Must get better at physics though. Gravity, momentum, torque, that kinda stuff...... No it hasn't met asphalt yet, I'm just sayin'. I can't say I've taken it out a whole lot over the week, just a couple little runs around the neighborhood after work (accidentally got caught up in the end of rush-hour traffic! Eeeeek!), just to keep, well, the battery from dying! And to get a little better at it (with a little bit of traffic). Once I'm on it I'm fine. It's thinking about it that kinda makes me nervous. It sounds dumb but there it is. Kinda like scuba diving. I guess you know your limits and what could happen and that's what makes it kinda scary. Plus, those cars are big. You think small cars are small? Nah. Not next to a little scooter. Everything's tank-sized! Thank god they don't all drive Lincoln Navigators here.

Settling into the new job fairly well. It seems deceptively easy though......... In fact, after about Tuesday morning, I was pretty much done being trained. She ran out of stuff to show me! I suppose I could be suffering from a form of post-traumatic stress disorder... And I just keep expecting lots of work and the ton of bricks...... But I guess the brick delivery will be when all the teachers and little students come back from their holiday break (this xmas/new years break is kinda like our summer break where you get a big chunk of time off). All I gotta say is I've asked them a number of times if I'll ever have to deal with any scrubby little students and they look at me like I'm nuts and say, "No." Ooooooh! I think I ask them just to hear it now! Hooray! No cash, no scrubby students, no crazy management (well, at least the Stooges I worked with). Excellent. Oh, I know, it's not what I went to University for, or even being close to my dream job, but it's better than the last place. Well, I must say I miss all the cool people.... But, I am still in the system and on email, so I haven't gone to the moon! And
Friday was Judy's (one of my non-crazy bosses) last day after 6 years of being there. She's leaving to go back to school to study Naturopathy. Neat. That was nice to see everyone and I think a good time was had by all.

Otherwise it was a fine and busy week with getting settled into the new gig and trying not to get killed on the little scooter. It's coooooooool.

This weekend has been pretty quiet. Hot. So all I've really had the energy to do is take naps. Next Friday is Australia Day (26th) and have been invited to a BBQ - am gonna bring shrimps and see if they get my bad joke. I think they just roll their eyes in that "Gee, I haven't heard that one since Paul Hogan" kinda way. Tee hee. And Mav and Roger and Rena and I may go over to Bribie Island for all day Saturday. That'll be neat. I haven't been to any of the little islands around here yet. Reminds me, I should get a rental car at some point and take myself outta town....! Speaking of taking myself places, I ran across this article in the Sydney Morning Herald this morning...... All about this trend of women going on their onesies around the world..... Coooool!


And that's about it really. This coming week should be pretty interesting and busy as I fly solo in my new little gig - eeeeek! At least the teachers aren't back yet.... gives me more time to find files and stuff! And bonus - it'll be a short week - 4 days! Hooray for Australia Day! AussieAussieAussie! OiOiOi!!!!


P.S. I have no idea why the little blog said the date

is the 16th.... It's the 21st, 'round 5pm... Weird.....

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