Sunday, October 22, 2006

Geckos n' Pillows


Well, quiet weekend this weekend. I gave myself the weekend off from the stress and panic of looking for a new job. I've had a tension headache for the last 5 days so I decided to take this weekend to do nothing, except for buy a new pillow. I like to hope it's my old pillow giving me headaches and not work. I mean, I'd like a new job, but honestly, things aren't that bad. Not bad enough to have a tension headache for 5 days. And of course, once I sat around doing nothing but the usual (cleaning, groceries, etc) over the weekend, headache gone. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Otherwise, busy week at work. We're down another person. I'm not kidding when I say it's one a week. And they're not being replaced. Yet. Not sure what they're waiting for. No staff, maybe.

Adventures? Weeeeell, don't think this really qualifies, but I took myself to see that "Amazing Human Body" exhibit. That's the one with the real bodies, preserved through a plastination process and opened up so you could see inside. It sounds really gross and most people that I asked if they wanted to come along all squished up their faces and said "Oh yeah, that's the exhibit with the real dead people, only preserved, right? Oh, maybe another time.". So I went on my onesies. Well. It was very........... Interesting, in a plastic-beef jerky-smelling kinda way. They were real. And sliced and diced almost a hundred different ways. Not for those with weak stomachs, I'll say that. All in all it was extremely interesting. Basically showed what we look like with no skin and sliced up like sandwich meat (still on the bone). And let me just tell you, the place was crowded. It was the next-to-last day of the exhibit, Saturday, at around 11am, and there were people everywhere. And all kinds of people, including kids. Like, I expected it to be full of weirdos and teenagers screaming "Gross!" the whole time, but no. There were more families there than anything. Lots of students and doctor-types. Interesting. And educational! So yeah, kind of an adventure. Definitely out of the normal clean the house and laundry type of a weekend.

Ummmmm what else.....? Oh, heehee, along the riverside they have a big-ish section of freeway and overpasses and all that. Well. They found a hairline crack in one of the fly-overs so they had to shut the entire thing down for 3 days (Wed, Thurs, and Fri - of course). And wouldn't you know it, the city center became a parking lot from 4-7pm (that first night anyways). News helicopters all over the place. I spoke to one gal in a coffee shop and she said her friend, who lives in Paddington (where cat food and rugby comes from), she drives to work in Spring Hill (where I and the pub come from), and normally it takes her five minutes to drive (why would you, I ask myself), but nooooo, the first night that freeway was closed, it took her, ohmygawd, over an hour to get home! I tried not to laugh and tell her her friend was an idiot in the first place. C'mon, I can walk to Paddington in like twenty minutes. Driving it? So they're pretty lazy here (for the most part). In fact, a story on the news last night talked all about how the Queen Street Mall shops lost millions in revenue because of the freeway closure. Simply because people would rather have their hands and feet cut off than be without their cars and have to take -gasp- public transportation. All I'll say is, buses drop off directly underneath the Queen Street Mall and people still couldn't be bothered. I think it's funny. Most of the freeway is open now. Sorry, MOTORway! So that's my little tirade. Vive le pedestrians and foot commuting!!!

And that's really about all I have this week. Bo-ring, I know. But rest assured, the weather is turning nicer (if not hotter and more humid - ugh), it's light for longer, therefore I've cracked open the Lonely Planet and I'm plotting my own little mini-adventures. The trick is saving the few pennies (i.e. less time in pub) and getting a willing cat-sitter (no suggestions from the peanut gallery, thankyouverymuch). So hopefully, a mini-adventure coming up soon!?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see Paddington now has a claim to fame other than cat food. It's good the Paddingtonians diversify. Don't bears also come from there?

Beware anonymous replies stating how you can make easy cash in your spare time.

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...