Sunday, September 24, 2006

Duchess of Dull


Well, I am very sorry to report that I have no news. Nothing. Nada. I'm sorry, I tried, but no luck. I mean, yeah, today I went to the store, met Mave and Roger at the banana stand, but then I came right home. All week, all weekend, no news. No adventures.

Okay, Friday night was slightly interesting in that a few of us went out after work to celebrate a guy's birthday that's
tomorrow (Monday). It was slightly exciting in that we went to a new pub called the Ship Inn, just at the end of the Goodwill Bridge, Southbank side, but other side of the river from the University of Queensland. It's a nice bridge, as far as bridges
go. Spacious. Modern. Safe. Spots to hide when there's a sudden downpour (unfortunately, I have no photos of it, yet). The pub was nicer than the one we usually drink in (the Plough Inn) for these events (why they all have to be the Something Inn, I dunno). But that was that. We sat around and gossiped about work (yawn) and drank beer (mmmm), had dinner (eh, very average) and went home. And that, my friends, was the height of the weekend's excitement. Pretty damn dull. I'll try harder this week and into the weekend.

Work? Eh. Yep, still employed. Am keeping my eyes open for options. In fact, that's what I've been spending my precious weekend doing - trawling the 'net looking for "options". Found a few, have thrown my hat in, fingers crossed. A girl never knows. People are leaving my work at the amazing rate of one a week. I've only been there 6 months and at this rate, I'll be an "old timer", training the newbies. Oh dear. So yeah, am trying to watch my back. Which is where the adventures suffer. It's a bummer, I know, I'd rather write about exciting adventures, even if they're only discovering new neighborhoods, but until this job thing settles itself down a bit, them's the brakes. So for all our sakes - I hope I find something new asap!!!!!!!!

Oh, ok, I guess this is where I can talk about the weather... It's nice. Well, getting warmer. I heard people swimming in the pool the other day. All I know is I stuck my foot in it about a week ago and it turned blue instantly. These Aussies must be built of stronger stuff than me. But, the temps have been steadily crawling up there, mid teens at night (sounds scary, doesn't it? In farenheight it's around 60) and during the day it's been getting up near 30 (mid-upper 80's). So far the humidity has hovered around 53% or so. Very tolerable. But you should see the look on people's faces as they describe the worst (hottest, most disgustingly humid) months - Jan until about March, April. That alone could be enough to inspire me to move to Sydney. Then again, bear in mind, Sydney had the worst heatwave ever last year on Christmas Day of something like 45 (near 115). So then again, maybe not. Maybe Tassie (Tasmania), that's the next best place to being in NZ. Yeah, they
have airconditioning here, sure. But when you've got only feet and public transport to get you from A-B, well, ugh. But hey, for now, it's absolutely lovely. Sunny, breezy, warm. Perfect. Now if only that pool would warm up just a little......

So there you go. Apologies for the dullness. Will try harder next week. Promise. And will take more photos. Maybe I'll walk over that Goodwill bridge........


P.S. I tweaked the settings here and I think you can go in and leave a comment without having to surrender hours going through whatever it was they'd make you go through just to leave a dumb comment. The filter is on to stop internet spammers and wierdos from leaving messages. So if I get any said undesirables, I'll have to turn the filter back on. But really, how popular am I. I don't forsee there being any problems. So give it a go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The weather sounds nice as of now. That Jan-Mar sounds icky! But you know me, Viking at heart! Good luck on the job search, hope you find somthing fun and exciting! (and well paid of course!) TTFN, KT

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...