Sunday, September 10, 2006

Quiet, Rainy Sunday


Well, it was a busy and fast week. After the previous week of not doing much at all (well, workwise, anyways, mewise it was busy), it's always a harsh reality to have to work a full week. But I must say it flew by, thankfully. Though here I am on a rainy Sunday afternoon thinking about the week ahead. Sigh. If there are any rich relatives in the family having a read of this, do contact me.

So the week had a few ups and downs. I'm sure you've all heard the news about ol' Steve Irwin going to the big zoo in the sky. Crikey! was right. What a surprise that was. I mean, we knew it was bound to happen, but sad nonetheless. They're planning to have a big public memorial for him here in town at Suncorp Stadium, the big rugby stadium. Australians are feeling kinda bad that he was so popular in the States compared to here, so I guess the offer of a State funeral was their apologetic attempt. He certainly did more for Australia and wildlife conservation than people think. His little girl certainly has her work cut out for her!

Work was fine enough. The bank is happy (made even happier that my tax refund came in! Whooooohoooo! Which, in turn, will make that credit card happy. Ahhh, it's a vicious cycle!) But have made big note to self to explore other possibilities in the employment sector........ Always good to keep an open mind to options. And that's all I'll say on that subject.

So, sadly, this was a bit of a quiet week (adventure-wise), thus making for a short little entry. I mean, honestly, do you really want to hear how I went to the pub for dinner one night (Liz is, at this very moment, jetting her way back to Brazil for an overdue family visit), went to the store and bought groceries, rented a couple of movies, went to Mave and Roger's for pizza and movie night, and how Kona's new favorite thing is to wake me up at least 5 times a night to punch me in the face and bite my nose? I didn't think so. So this time maybe I'll just get nutty with the photos.

So here's to a good week for one and all!!!!!!!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...