Sunday, November 20, 2016

New Birds with Fantastic Haircuts Learn New Things Over Pizza!

Clever Brisbane Building Art......!

Well. Here we are. Another gorgeous, sunny, breezy, Sunday afternoon. The chores are pretty much done... Laundry is even all put away, tho I have yet to drag out the iron....... The birds are all happy and busy out there teaching their kids how to do bird stuff, like eat, which they don't seem to have the hang of yet... But I think they're just too scared to go out there and adult, errrr, bird for themselves just yet. They're just being big chickens instead of birds.Kookaburra not in an ol' Gum Tree........ Everyone out there has kids it seems - the Rainbow Lorikeets are dragging theirs all over the place teaching them Lorikeet stuff, the Magpies are busy with theirs (mainly feeding and squawking), even the Noisy Miners have little ones to teach stuff to, tho I have yet to see any Kookaburras out there parenting...... Glad I'm not a bird and I just have chores to do! So yes. The weekend stuff is about done just in time for the weekend to be over. Oh well, never mind. So, this afternoon, we have the hip n' groovy Jazz tunes, there's a nice cool glass of the standby Sauv Blanc chilling for when am finished checking in......... yes, life is good!

So. Work. Yep. Glad to have it as it pays the bills (and have I got bills now). But lordy, some days are more testing, or should I say amusing, than others.Where I think I work sometimes......
Honestly, this group am helping with their editing, everyday they do something to surprise me, tho it shouldn't. Well, anyways, if I've learned anything from my view on the platform watching that train crash in slow motion, it's how not to run a technical publications team and schedule! Thankfully, ever so thankfully, I have real work that needs my attention so I have that to focus on. I'm kinda curious to see what the circus brings to town this week as it's my last week before I go away on mah Big Nordic Adventure, and tho those people have all been told a couple times am away for the next five weeks, we're not too sure the fact has sunk in.... Oh well! 

Otherwise, work has been good. Had my third review of the year on Friday, becauseI sometimes give my coworkers this look..... why stop at just one or two. Came through with flying colors and no silly, petty things to contest like usual. Whew! So it looks like I'll have a job for the foreseeable future - yay! Because y'know, those days of being strapped to a contract with a real-life end date, never sure if it would be extended, those stressful, dicey times are never far from my mind, even tho I've been at this job, get this, six whole years now. Six. I haven't done anything for six years straight except maybe just live. So, yes, three cheers for gainful if frustrating and amusing employment!

And then there were a few weekends in there. Sorry for not checking in...... Well, the last couple of weekends were really hot and humid stinkers, and they never even cracked 90° yet it was stifling and gross.Newcastle Beach! I tried to do some stuff but by the time the heat and humidity had sunk in, nope, no hope to do anything but sit in front of the fan and debate turning on the A/C or not...... Not. Lordy it's expensive here and I'm trying to be tough like my forefathers....... or, something like that. Oooh, I know, last Sunday we had a bit of sprinkles with mainly sun breeze through and magically, we lost power for five hours - happened around 4pm and didn't come on until after 9pm! Earlier in the week we had a monster blow through and we had power the whole time..... Hmmmmmm. All was well tho - hooray for Ikealand's 100 pack tea lights! 

Otherwise, haven't really been up to much - tidying, trying to make the house clean and easy for JamieOne chore I don't have to do by hand! and Ron when they arrive this coming Saturday morning! I know it's an apartment so how hard can it be? It's not hard. But when the weather gets gross everything becomes harder to do! So, I think the place looks presentable enough... Hooray - house guests! See??! Folks DO come down to visit! Told you, a free place to stay in God's Country Down Under is hard to resist! Reservations are open after the middle of January....................! And hey, bonus, I'll be around to be your personal tour guide as after this trip, I'll be too broke to do anything outside of the city's borders for a while (both moneywise and vacation timewise)!

So, yes, haven't been up to much. Got mah hair cut, a good couple of inches taken off too - whew! Even had the boys add a couple of highlights just for something different, pretty it up a little. I love it, another job well done! And oh yeah, my friend Glen came down from Cairns for work last week so we caught up and had dinner at this fantastic Italian Glen (r.), Dave, Eva, me!place over in the riverside 'hood of Teneriffe (a 'hood no one can afford to live in, by the way, tho man, I'd sure love to) called Beccofino. So. Good. It's become our mission every time he (and Alison) come to town to check out all the Italian places with good reviews and see for ourselves. Another winner! And, I found out a couple days later when I saw my hair boys, that it's the brother to the place Glen and I had checked out a few weeks earlier called Julius Pizzeria (also really, really freakin' good), same owners and everything. Well no wonder. Soooo good! So there you go, not only will you have have super central free digs and a personal tour guide, but you're surround by amazing food and scenery!

And that's about that. Finally got all my paperwork from the Useless Travel Agent and the tour Now to pack, with a little help!company (not so useless), so today I've compiled it all and triple and quadruple checked it and all appears to be in order - only one way to find out (note to self: better not leave the credit at home.....). So that's a bit of a worry off mah mind. Next task to conquer is packing all that winter stuff into that fantastic-looking Rick Steve's convertible carry on (which I see is now on sale)!!!!! Oh, and the Cadillac of winter coats, and boots (also now on sale - gah!), arrived just in time - whew, tho I have an awful feeling am going to have to wear them on the plane because there is no room in the bag at all...... Oh, well, at least I'll be warm, you know how planes can get chilly sometimes....... So yes, think about packing, think about how to entertain mahself when am not on one of the tours, and that's about it! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It's down to a handful of days now, better start getting serious!!!!

So there you are. Hope you're all well and happy up there - has the weather cooled off out West there that it's starting to feel like Autumn yet??? Well, if not, don't come down here looking for relief... Yet. That nice weather doesn't show up here until around April or so..... But hey, it'd just be good to see you, so c'mon down whenever the mood strikes! Oh, and so I guess I'll be too busy to check in next weekend and I leave Tues the 29th - guess the next time I'll be able to check in will be from the road along mah Big Nordic Adventure! Eeeeeeeeeeeee exciting! See you all later then, dudes!

~ J!
A colorful former Tucson resident!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...