Sunday, September 25, 2016

Catching Up with Good Friends Over Even Better Food!

A resident of Bondi, NSW!

Well. Here we are on another sunny, breezy, warm spring Sunday afternoon. A little late but never mind! Got the chores done, laundry is happy clean and put away (now, ironing is another thing to be put off for at least another week.......), beds are made, kittehs are protecting the apartment from catnip-riddled toys and feathers, got some 80s tunes to liven up the afternoon (I figured out the commercial schedules with RadioTunes, and thankfully they don't run them on the weekends, just during the week while am getting ready for work and least amiable to ads ads ads, still, at least there's peace on the weekends, and some of the stations go "commercial-free" during the week, so that's something), tho it's a bit early for a nice, cool glass of the standby red, it's there waiting in the wings for when I'm done checking-in here - yes, life is good!

So, work. Yep. Is good. Have been busy but eventually caught up.... Tho we're still waiting for theWork. Some days you're the shark! 'mountain' of work to come down..... Then again, we've been waiting for over a year now, sooooooo. Not complaining tho, the current level is just fine - easy to deal with yet enough to help the day go by - and that's what's most important! That, and the paycheck at the end of every two weeks (I can hear my bank applauding from here)!

And then there were a few weekends in there.......... Went to the Scandinavian Festival a couple weekends ago (on the 11th) - that was really good, as always. Perfect, Danish Noms! (Thank you NPR for the photo!)sunny weather. The food was excellent - had lunch at the Danish Club and this time I had a "selection of Danish-style, open-faced sandwiches", which, if we're being honest, are pretty simple to make in any country, and soooooo goooood (filling too, tho they may not look it), paired with a couple of very nice Danish beers (they had some new ones this year and they were excellent). Even the credit card didn't get the workout we were hoping not to have. Tho I did stop in at my favorite stall, Bud to Rose, and got a couple new little necklaces (gotta support the locals, even if they're not really local-local). And then caught up with my newly-retired friend Graeme, who's loving retirement so far - much more time for golf, he says. Yes, it was a great day!

And then later that week I managed to catch up a couple times with my friend Glen (from Cairns, inThe Author, Eva, Dave, and Glen (clockwise)! town that week for work), and one of those evenings we were joined by our friend Dave and his new wife Eva (who none of us had met until that night, well, except for Dave of course, he knows her) at our favorite pizza/panna cotta place, Vapiano. That was a fun night with too much food and not enough time to catch up, as always! But then tomorrow night we're all meeting up at Vapiano's, again, with Glen, and Alison this time (she's in town just for the day tho), and Dave and Eva - should be an excellent night with the old band back together again.

Kona can't wait to use the new patio cushions!
And then the other weekends have been pretty quiet. Last weekend was tough to get much done as it was really cool and super rainy - the kind of spring weather where you really just want to watch movies (but I resisted and fluffed around the apartment instead). Still working on those patio cushions but at least I got two of the four done! Wooohooo! Managed to figure out how to do to zippers - pretty exciting for a gal who can't really sew, and they look excellent!!!! Now just the seat bottoms to finish......... soon!

And what else........ Slowly but surely The Big Nordic Adventure is coming together as more bits of A northern Scandinavia resident![warm] clothes are purchased (tho still waiting on arrival), including boots, the Cadillac of winter coats, a couple of city maps (I love StreetWise maps - got me around NYC all those years with never a problem. Although, just looking now, they've thrown in the towel after 30 years! Noooooo! I mean, good for them they deserve a rest, but noooooooo!), a carry-on sized backpack (thank you Rick Steves!), and finalizing the last invoice for the Big Tour. Whew! Talk about one over-worked credit card by the time this is all done. Hooray for interest-free balance transfers!!!!

So, there you have it! All is well down here. Spring has sprung, tho over the next week it's meant to get into the low 80s, sooooo, I guess we should enjoy our usual two weeks of spring before the rest is summer! If you want to check it out for yourself, well, feel free to c'mon down - you're welcome annnnnnytime!

~ J!
Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers (2015)!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

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