Sunday, August 07, 2016

Quiet Weekends with a Birthday and Good Friends (and Pups)!

Downtown Brisbane......

Well. Here we are on another lovely sunny Sunday afternoon. The sun is shining, the breeze is breezing, the birds are birding, the clouds are clouding, etc, etc, etc. It's a bit cool, 66 degrees by my temperature gage (chilly for us sub-tropical dwellers), but it's bright and sunny and that's what you like for mid-winter. The chores are all mostly done (vacuuming is my big thing.... am tempted to buy one of those robot vacuums tho....), the laundry is just about dry, the kittehs are doing what they do - one is guarding the balcony and the other is road-testing one of their favorite kitteh beds, got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes from the old standby RadioTunes (nice to see they've dialed down the amount of ads they used to play), it's a bit early for the wine, but when I finish writing, while loading up the photos, will celebrate with a glass of the standby red, so yes, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. I finally have a couple things to do, nothing major or rush, but it's nice to haveI wish my job was this cool. And that I could wear overalls and a hat. stuff to do. We're in August and still waiting for the wave of work that was meant to come last Nov/Dec and every week since...... That's OK, it's great for the collective stress levels to not be run off our feet considering we don't quite have the staff numbers anymore and with one more retiring in two weeks. I just really wish that when work is genuinely slow, you could bring in a book or knitting or painting, whatever hobby you always wish you had more time for. That would be great - fun! Otherwise, all is well, which is nice, but then again, as I always say, am just happy to have a decent job to go to everyday that pays me!

Newstead in the pouring rain.......And then there were a few weekends in there..... Many apologies for the delay. Last weekend it was cloudy, rainy and cold, and for some reason the only energy I had was to sit here and surf the 'net. I honestly couldn't even motivate myself to do the chores. And the weekend before, I ran errands... I have some friends in Seattle who are expecting their first baby(!), and since I don't know anyone that I like as much as them who're having a baby (or anyone, period), Baby things! So little! So cute! I'm trying to put together a little box of bits from Australia for them and the new baby. So, last weekend was running around finding things like tank tops in three age ranges, a teether (sure, they can get them there, but surely it's good to have more than one or five?), the cutest turtle bath thermometer, stuff like that and all made in Australia! Next on the list is a CD of Australian "Bush" sounds - birds twittering, and..... other..... sounds from the outback (??). I thought a CD like that might be nicer for everyone to listen to instead of lullabies? Don't know, never shopped for baby things before!

Shorncliffe Pier!
And speaking of babies, the weekend before that was my birthday! Woooohoooooo! And I didn't even have to take the day off from work! I hadn't planned anything since I've decided my big present to myself is this Big Nordic Adventure, but my friend Jan, being the gracious organizer that she is, organized a picnic up at Shorncliffe Pier with a few of our friends (Shorncliffe is a really, really lovelyTHE party pavilion! suburb where no one can afford to live, about 30 minutes north-east of Brisbane/my house). It was GREAT! The weather was unbelievably excellent (in the mid-80s!), we got a picnic spot (veranda/pavilion with two tables/benches and lots of room) right near the water with lovely views of the pier and across the bay. And everyone brought something - Jan made corned It's a mellow picnic par-tay!beef sandwiches and donated a few bottles of champagne, and brought along her two cuuuute little dogs Milo and Molly; I made mini strawberry-rhubarb pies, brownies and deviled eggs (note for future picnics - deviledMilo (l.) and Molly (r.) - so cute. eggs don't travel so well presentation-wise. Still they were good and folks had a few) along with champagne and white wine; Joey, Jada and Amber brought yummy Red Velvet cupcakes and their lovely mini-Border Collie Meeko; and Trich and Barry brought fruits and bread sticks (sounds silly but they were so, so goooood - a great picnic idea!). It was a great mix and so much food! I also remembered to bring party hats and sparklers, and a fun little game Meeko the party girl!someone had given me yeeeears ago called Tabletop Charades, so we played that towards the end of the afternoon. Man, it was great. I honestly couldn't have had a better day. YAY!

And that is about that! I think the next festival on my list is the Scandinavian Festival over in the 'hood of Newstead in September.... I've been to that the last few years, it's pretty good, free (can't argue with that), thoViking stuff! my word they need to move it to a bigger venue. Still they manage to pack in a lot of great food and craft stalls, not to mention a big stage with live acts that play traditional songs from all over Scandinavia, complete with national costumes! Really looking forward to it. And it should be good for any last-minute tips and hints for mah trip....? Will do my best not to shop..............! Other than that, I expect the weekends will be quiet, full of planning for The Trip and trying my hardest not to spend money. And speaking of trips, have I mentioned that folks are actually coming here for a visit??!? Yes, friends from AZ are coming here, to my house, for a A perfect afternoon at Shorncliffe Pier!visit - imagine that! I've been down thisaway for going on 15 years now and finally someone comes to visit (not looking at you Sheldon and Scarlett, or Mom......)! Woooohoooo! Too bad I'll only be here for two or so days before I head off, but like I always say, you folks are moooore than welcome to c'mon down and hang out any ol' time you want, whether am here or not (but I usually always am) - mi casa es su casa! Anyways, hope you're all well up there, staying cool and safe from any crazy wildfires - c'mon down here where it's winter with no humidity or wildfires!

~ J!
Happy Frangipani!

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