Well. Here we are. Slightly late but am here! Whew! What a busy time. Thankfully had all those extra days off to get stuff done. And thankfully too the weather has been really nice. But we're here now, birds are happy out there twittering away because we've had a little tiny bit of rain and it's still cooling off (more or less, it will for reals...... eventually). I love any season here that isn't summer.......! Have the excellent tunes as usual, tho it's the Paris radio station this time, have a super nice, cool glass of the stand-by sauvingon blanc, Kona is climbing all over Box Mountain in the kitchen (including a couple of empty ones just to keep it interesting) - yes, life is good!

And then there was the weekend....... Felt more like they were a couple of nice, long weekends which has been totally swell for getting stuff done without having to rush home and kill myself in the evenings after work. And man, has there been lots to do - for such a small apartment with zero storage, who knew?! Have been buuuuusy with spot-painting, cleaning, packing - all the usual moving crap. It's great in a way tho - going through and throwing stuff out, giving stuff away - streamlining, tho there

Oh yeah, and in between all the packing and cleaning fun the real estate had
an open house (or a "viewing" as the locals creepily put it) on Saturday morning, so I went to hide outside downstairs while folks tromped through mah little place, with boxes piled up as neat as I could get them..... They had something like 11 people through but only one real application has been submitted... The agency is reluctant to rent to the applicant tho, just because it's a husband and wife and their four year-old. HA! I personally don't see a problem with it.....! So they're going to have another open house tomorrow while I'm at work (eeeeeeeek!)..... Part of me wants to tell the real estate to drop dead and leave me alone until Monday when I hand them the keys back, but part of me says who cares and just hope someone rents it soon. Poor Kona - the little illegal stowaway. I'll just be happy when this is all over with!!!!!!
an open house (or a "viewing" as the locals creepily put it) on Saturday morning, so I went to hide outside downstairs while folks tromped through mah little place, with boxes piled up as neat as I could get them..... They had something like 11 people through but only one real application has been submitted... The agency is reluctant to rent to the applicant tho, just because it's a husband and wife and their four year-old. HA! I personally don't see a problem with it.....! So they're going to have another open house tomorrow while I'm at work (eeeeeeeek!)..... Part of me wants to tell the real estate to drop dead and leave me alone until Monday when I hand them the keys back, but part of me says who cares and just hope someone rents it soon. Poor Kona - the little illegal stowaway. I'll just be happy when this is all over with!!!!!!
And really, that's about that. Busy getting stuff together for moving, cleaning, that's pretty much all it's been for about a week now. You haven't missed a thing!
Oh, wait - I know one thing - I bought my plane ticket to come visit! For some reason $2,000 magically, suddenly, dropped off the price so I totally had to buy it. Awesome! So, for folks who'll be around and available - I'll see you soon!!!!! Yay! But if we don't catch up, once I get that spare bed, c'mon down, stay in comfort - with no possums!