Sunday, December 01, 2013

A Bit of Work, Rain and Movies.......

Inuit sculpture (it guides voyagers!), Victoria Park, Brisbane

Well. Here we are on another sunny Sunday afternoon. My goodness it's the first of December - that was quick! Thankfully the weather this weekend has been good - not too stinking hot and humid like it has been.... In fact, yesterday, it rained all day and was actually kinda cool....... It was really nice. If we could have one or two breaks like that every month during summer it would be almost bearable! But we're here now, got a lovely breeze blowing the laundry around on the good ol' hills hoist in the backyard, the birds are all happily running their errands, and from the sounds of it, teaching their kids how to run errands and get something to eat. Cuuuute. Kona is asleep at his post on the couch, I have a very nice, cool glass of the ol' reliable standby white wine, also have of course the hip n' groovy jazz tunes - ahhhhh yes, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. First half-week back this past Wednesday. Was busy.
Work - it ain't just for us humans.
Bless 'em they saved as much of the work as they could, then promptly harassed me to get through it immediately. Meh, most of it isn't urrrrrgent, they just want to finish it all before Xmas, which, now that I look at the calendar, is like next week (or so it feels)! Yeah, yeah fellas, it'll get done, hold yer horses! But it was good to be back. Well. As good to be back at having to work for a living can be! Wrist felt ok, just have to watch the repetitive stuff and keep it up for a bit so it doesn't swell up and get cranky. And no further word on either the job or the PR - I think everyone is waiting on me to get the rest of the info through, and am just waiting on two police checks and the health check and then my part is done! Well, until they want money that is....... And then this coming Friday we have our little group's Xmas "party" - all the nine of us are doing is going to the XXXX Brewery (which is thankfully walking distance from my house - yay! My idea of course!) where six of us are Marlborough, New Zealand - where the wine comes from!going to do the tour then we'll all have lunch in their restaurant, and then decide from there what we'll do next. Some usually go home (like the bank usually thinks I should), some sometimes have a free pass from their wives to stay out. Last year at the little place we went to, the Ship Inn, turned into a fairly late and very boozy affair, which was good fun of course, all in the name of kicking off the holidays! Otherwise, work is good. Always happy to have a place to be with a paycheck!

And then there's been the weekend. Quiet. Like I said, yesterday rained and was cool all day so was best suited to watching movies (hey, I'm still recovering from surgery.............. kinda............). Watched Julie and Julia (cute, with a really good script, tho it kinda falls flat in the third act) and was then immediately inspired to do some serious French cooking. Thankfully, IWellington, New Zealand - it rains there all the time. have no proper French cookbooks and the grocery store was closed. So I made spaghetti instead. Then I watched The Perfect Storm, which I'd never seen before but have wanted to since catching up with an old high school friend (while I was briefly in Las Vegas this past August) who was actually a fairly new recruit with the Coast Guard unit that was out there in it (eeeeeeeek!). Eh, the movie was ok, actors were all great, did the best job they could with a crappy script. The effects were neat. It was ok. I might rather read the book tho. And that was Saturday! 

And today has been the usual laundry and fluffing around. Pretty dull stuff really. But honestly, who works full-time and has time or money for Adventures every weekend??? Maybe in the new year will investigate cleaning agencies and get someone to come in once a month and do all this for me, that way the little apartment won't be dirty and I won't feel guilty for running around having Adventures! Yay! We'll see. Some big bills wanting to be paid here (car, surgery, PR....), Adventures usually cost monies....... Hmmmm. Anyways, hope you're all well up there! All is well here! C'mon down any ol' time!!!!!

Happy resident in Tucson!

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