Well. Here we are on another lovely, breezy Sunday afternoon. The birds are all out there running their errands and sitting around gossiping, as Lorikeets and Crows are wont to do. The weather folks predicted rain all this weekend..... of which none has yet to be seen. Again. Maybe lots of sun rays raining down on us is what they really meant, not water rain. Either way, am just happy it's not stinking hot and humid like it was a few weeks back. Poor little laptop. I must say, whenever summer rolls around, I often consider getting a "proper" desktop computer, one rigged with tons of fans and a cooling system........... And then I consider the questionable wiring in the Palace and realize it just isn't worth the insurance claim when
fire burns the Palace down...... So little laptop with its fan-cooling pad it is! Hey, y'know what? It just now occurred to me - the little laptop will be eight years old this December. Awwwww, what a little trooper. 'Course, it did have its brain replaced about four years ago..... Still, eight years for a little laptop is pretty good. Hooray! Otherwise, all is well. Got the tunes, got a breeze, is a bit early for wine but later will have a glass of the ol' Stoneleigh standby.... Ahhhhh, yes, life is good!
So work. Yep. Is good. Have been busy the last couple of weeks, which is always really good. Still no word tho about whether or not they'll make me permanent, or about the residency application...... A little gem I heard Friday afternoon - the HR Chicky looking after all my paperwork has been away for the last two weeks ANNNNNNNNND (~~~~drum roll~~~~~) she's a temp. Now, as you well know, I'm the very last person on the planet to bag out temps, but when you throw the HR
'discipline' into the mix, add a healthy shot of impending Xmas, there's a recipe for apathy if I ever saw one. Seeing as Xmas in these here parts practically closes the country down for a good eight weeks, looks like I'll be getting an extension on that ol' contract come March after all (well, that's even if my department decides to keep me..... I still have a
Performance Review to get through first....). The contract the company
swears to high heaven they don't/won't do - "Oh, no. We don't keep anyone on long-term contracts at any time, for any reason." Well, guess what HR suckas - this will be my fourth contract! "Incompetencia Esperaba", which translated from Latin means "Expect Incompetence" - the motto that should hang in three-foot letters over the door to HR. Otherwise, work is good!
And then there were a few weekends in there..... Apologies, again, for not checking in last weekend. I was busy baking and again underestimated the time it all takes. Last week's baking experiment were cheesecake cupcakes. And if I do say so myself, they were a success! If a bit of a labor-intensive pain. But worth it for mini-cheesecakes! So now I have a freezer full of mini-cheesecakes - yum! And just basically lost track of time. But don't worry, as I'm sure all one or two of you were, aside from baking, nothing else exciting happened. Just the usual.
In fact, minus the baking, this weekend has been much the same - quiet. Chores, laundry, rewiring the inherited surround-sound stereo system so it doesn't emit a dog howl-inducing screech, thinking about working on the Hollywood Sell-Out Blockbuster screenplay, y'know, the
usual weekend stuff. And you know the age-old conundrum - if I leave the house I'll spend money...... And right now the bank really frowns on my spending money. So here we are, Dullsville, Queensland. That's ok tho, all is well, am happy, and if it weren't for two very small children within my neighborly twenty-foot radius, I'd even be rested too. And the even better part is, another small child is due within my neighborly radius in March, moving the tally up to three. As if housebreaking possums in the ceiling/roof weren't enough on top of two small, fussy (one incessantly whining and wailing) children. Good times within the Palace indeed.
So there you have it. I hope you're all well up there! Drop a line if you have any Xmas gift requests or need help planning your big trip down thisaway....!!!