Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday Check-in with Jets on Blocks.....

Ironwork Above Cloudland Restaurant/ClubHi!

Well. A little late but also a little early. Sorry for not checking in last weekend.... I had every intention but it turns out there just aren't enough hours in two days...... So am checking in today instead of the usual Sunday afternoon because tomorrow am off to take photos with a friend at the Zombie Walk later in the day, so, knowing I'll get home too late to check in, thought I'd do it now! Thrilling, eh? So far the day has been hot but breezy, tho not sure how much fun aPina Colada and Magnetic Island, Townsville hot breeze really is unless it's in the dead of winter....... The lorikeets were pretty happy about it all this morning but have now gone quiet - hiding in a nice, cool, shady tree hopefully. I just put some beer  in the fridge (Carlsberg - I know, beer, a departure from wiiiine, but seeing as it's summer and it's one of a very few beers that don't make me sick...) but doubt that's ready yet, got some old school 80's tunes courtesy of 91X's "Resurrection" channel (bonus - it's a triple-play day!) - life is good!

So work. Yep. Definite improvement over the last couple of weeks, thankfully. Happily, the Boss now knows am not mentally and technically challenged, therefore, the worry over whether or not I can continue as a Tech Writer/Editor with them has passed; that yes I am useful and Atlas, Travellin' Dolly and Rockefeller Center, NYCjudging my new skillZ based on one super crappy publication was a mistake. Whew! And as a result, I've been heaped with tons more work....... uuuhhhh, hooray?! So yes, work is good. Ooooh, I know one thing we got to do last, last week - the air force base (Amberley) happened to have a "Christmas Tree" F/A-18 Super Hornet in their maintenance hangar (maintenance engineers call it a "Christmas Tree" jet/plane because they use it to take spare parts off of to fix other jets until all the missing/ordered parts come in from the US. That way they don't have, say, all ten jets on the ground, they only have one. Neat huh?). So we headed out there to talk to the maintenance guys and to have a poke around the jet. Coooooooooooooooooooooooool! Well, in a jet-up-on-blocks kinda way (although I'd've been, well, arrested if I took a camera on base without a permit, so found a pic from the ol' interwebs....). When we showed up they had one of the engines out for inspection (and subsequently re-installed it while we were there). Wow. That jet is mainly two big rocket engines. It was pretty impressive. And then had a look in the cockpit (no seats, out for maintenance) at the displays and throttle controls and all that stuff that we dealSuper Hornet in the Shop! with on a daily basis in the publications we look after. It was pretty neat. Funny, the main maintenance engineer kept saying how they need more maintenance staff (good luck considering Defence has locked down their checkbook), so I left there deciding I was totally going to become a jet fighter maintenance technician! Crawl around on jets fixing stuff and being super useful instead of sitting (er, standing) at my desk all day? Cooooooool! But alas, probably not meant to be as am completely math-challenged...... But hey, always happy for gainful employment as long as I can keep it, no matter if it's fixing jets or fixing publications that help folks fix jets!

And then there were a couple weekends in there.... Last weekend was nice and quiet. Nice in that I headed over to my friend Kim's house (another Kim, gal I work with, lives down the road Kona Tests and Approves of the New Mattress, 2010from me, kinda) to catch up with her and her husband Carlos and to watch some of their friends (all Colombian - Carlos is Colombian, Kim is a local) play ping-pong, an apparent favorite past-time of theirs. We girls sat and gossiped and drank wine while watching the ever-competitive boys. It was actually a great way to pass a Saturday afternoon. Then Sunday was the neglected chores.... and because I got a late start, next thing I knew it was time for dinner! Man. Five-day work weeks and only two days to do stuff is so wrong. It should totally be half and half. I'd be happy with 4 work days and three days off. Hmmmmm, y'know, I could only work 4 days....... if only the bank didn't need the money so much..............

And then this weekend has been good and quiet so far. Hot, but thankfully not unbearably Watching TV in the Nice, Old Spring Hill Yet. No need for the chores this weekend, hell, am always at work - not home to make the house messy! So after checking in here I plan to sit in front of the fan and watch movies (with mah cold beer!) - ahhhhhhhhhhh what else can a gal do on a hot weekend day with no air conditioning?! And, in honor of summer, I've finally organized myself to start making sun tea - That Zombie is Soooo Last Year!yuuuuuuuum! Although, after reading that little article from Snopes ('sun tea' hyperlink there) I have to wonder a little about it...... Tho I grew up on the stuff and never had any problems......... Made some last weekend and didn't die of 'sun tea bacterial poisoning'.......... Hmmmm. Anyway, tomorrow am meeting my friend Jason (a very good, keen amateur photographer and host of our 'pizza and game' nights) to go take pictures at the annual Zombie Walk. We went last year with a couple other folks and it was such a fun day. I wanted to dress up this year but like the weekends, time just got away from me to organize a costume and makeup............ So we're off tomorrow afternoon to see what we can see. Every year the walk gets bigger and bigger, so here's hoping there're tons of cool zombies to take photos of! Yay zombies!

And there you have it! Ahhhhhhh the hot breath of summer...... gonna have to think when will be the best time to check in, a time of day where the poor little laptop won't overheat.... I bought it a new fan/cooling pad thingy, and that has to help, but the poor thing still gets pretty hot, especially when it's pushing 85-90 degrees in the little apartment...................! Morning could be a good time but that's reserved for sleeping in and big breakfasts! Will think on it........ Otherwise, I hope you're all well up there. Drop a line if you wonder about anything or, as always, need help planning that Big Trip Down Under!!!!!!!!!

Happy Bougainvilleas!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...