Well. Leeeeetle late. Am very sorry. I had every intention of checking in last weekend, the weekend before and the weekend before that...... but last weekend was Linus' birthday celebrations and helping a friend clean her yard, the weekend before was a wicked thumping headache and a too-long nap that waylaid my checking-in plans, and last, last weekend, well, I can't remember
So work. Yep. Is good. Still busy learning new stuff, which is good and sometimes really frustrating but hopefully worth it in the end (end, meaning March when my contract is up for renewal.... or not). There are only 3 editors

Then there were a few weekends in there...... The weekend of the 9th I didn't get up to much. I may have done chores, can't remember, it was so long ago...... Nothing exciting happened that I can think of anyways....... Then the weekend of the 16th was busy, I sort of remember that. Well, busy, not
But last weekend, the weekend of the 22nd, definitely made up for the previous two. Saturday was my friend Linus' birthday celebrations, which
And that Sunday, was up a bit later than I intended.... I was due to go on a mini-Adventure to the lovely little town of Toowoomba to help my friend Kim (different from my blonde friend Kim who lives just north of town at Strathpine) clean up her house and yard that had been trashed by her renters (bastards, giving good gals like me a bad rep). Toowoomba is a good 1 1/2 drive south-west of Brisbane, and where my Xmas Foster Family has moved back to. It's a bit of a hike to get out there, but once you cross over the Great Diving Range (which I thought was way exciting and unexpected) it opens up to this beautiful, green, lush and leafy valley surround by hills. I'd never been
And then there was this weekend. Thankfully, my work lets me have one free day off a month (well, that's not true, I actually build up the time to be able to take it off, so naturally with any company our size, ain't nuthin' free), and seeing as I'd neglected to take my September day off, and in light of the fact the rental agency wants to do another one of their "invasions"
Ohhhhh yeah, I remember what I did over that first quiet weekend - I made, from scratch, Kahula and Bailey's! For a first go, they came out not too bad at all! They could do with a little tweaking, not sure how or where, but they're a good work in progress! If you'd like the recipes, drop a line and will send it; they're too big to get into here...........
So there you have it. Very sorry for not checking in. I miss it too when am unable to scratch that Sunday item off my list. I hope you're all well up there. The weather here has been glorious so far, only a matter of a couple more months and summer is on, then it's back to glorious, perfect weather, which is perfect for sight-seeing....................!
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