Well. Here we are, slightly late but here before two or three weeks have passed at least! The day is lovely, warm and sunny, the birds were pretty busy this morning but have now all gone out to run their errands. I wonder what it is that makes them so chatty in the morning and at night
So work. Yep. Is really good. Even better that Wednesday last week everyone in town got the day off to go to the Ekka (like the Del Mar Fair - you'll remember it from previous episodes), which I think is way nice of the city council to do that. I went once on People's Day (as it's called) and
And then there was the weekend, or rather, extended weekend. Sadly, no Adventures were had (the bank has sort of put its foot down on any more Adventures until I save some money and pay some of mah car off... fair enough....). But lots of chores got done! Filled three donation bags
But Thursday was very exciting - my brand-spankin' new washing
And that was Thursday and Friday..... I really tried to rush to get all the chores and stuff done so I could chill over the whole weekend and just
So there you have it! Whew! What a way to spend a good long break off
Otherwise, hope you're all well up there. Because the bank says no
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