Monday, July 16, 2012

2 Quiet Weekends = 1 Bad Internet Connection....


Well. Here we are, Sunday afternoon, bright and sunny, breezy, clear blue skies - lovely after at least a week straight of rain and fog and damp and miserable Melbourney kinda weather. That's not the kinda weather we endure Queensland's awful summers for! We want our bright blue skies and sunny warm days with freezing cold nights! So, hopefully this is just the start of winter getting back to normal...... Otherwise, there are a few birds out there going about their Sunday afternoon business...... The tourists and shoppers duke it out for premium parking along my street, which can bring some slight amusement when a car (usually something over the $50,000-range) pulls into our driveway, not knowing it loves to eat the underside of cars, followed by an almighty crunch. It's great. I giggle. Hopefully that'll teach them not to turn around in our driveway again! Otherwise, got some groovy classic jazz tunes courtesy of SkyFM, got the nice glass of stand-by red wine (there's a nip in the air after all) - life is good!

So. Work. Yep, is pretty good. Still learning new stuff, which is nice considering I've been there just over a year and a half and am on my second job in the company (yet still on contract - how do I mange to keep doing that?). So to still be learning new stuff is pretty cool. That, or they really just need the help and the one gal that's away having her baby (or, well, looking after the baby she just had) was super smart and I'm a pale comparison standing in her shadow and they have to have me do something to pass the time until she gets back........ Oh, have I mentioned that super smart baby-having gal is only like 23? Yeah. These kids today! So yes, work is good - always happy to have gainful employment!

And then there were a couple weekends in there...... Well, you didn't miss anything last weekend, that's for sure. Just did the chores, caught up on sleep, watched a couple movies - the usual quiet weekend. But this weekend, well, we were scheduled to go up to my friend Jan's house up at Rainbow Beach but it got rescheduled to the weekend of the 28th due to too much rain rain rain. Shame, but who wants to spend the weekend at the beach watching it pour? So this weekend, while very similar to last weekend, was livened up Saturday evening when we headed out to Jan's house at Dayboro instead for a spot of champagne before heading to the Dayboro Crown Hotel (pub) for dinner - fish and chips - not bad! Then, happily filled with as much fried fish and (steamed) veggies we could eat, we wandered down the road a couple steps to the Rendezvous Cafe & Bookshop (again, you may remember it from a previous episode not too long ago...) for a very interesting talk and book-signing by Annette Henderson who lived in the Congo (Gabon) for a short time in the '70s and was subsequently inspired to do conservation work with/for the local wildlife (namely apes). It was really good and the place was packed! Granted, the cafe's not big to begin with, but to see the place so full for a book-signing, for such a tiny little village, it was pretty cool to see. Mom even bought a book and had the gal sign it - coooooool. Way to support the locals! And, amazingly, we got home from that around 11pm! Who knew an innocent book-signing could go so late?! Mainly it's the drive to/from Dayboro - that clocks in at around 45 minutes each way. But, it's a pretty drive and the night, well, it rained, but if it wasn't raining it would've been lovely. It's quite a nice spot Dayboro; you don't have to go very far out of town to be around rolling green hills, trees, horse properties and views from Redcliffe down to the Gold Coast (a place always prettier from afar, in my opinion). Pretty nice. The commute alone would drive me crazy, but I'd be happy to visit often.

And today, well, chores, chores, chores. And thankfully the weather cleared and the hygrometer swung around to not-as-humid, so I was able to get laundry and floors done and dried in the same day! Sad to be so excited about it, but true. Hey, the floors haven't been done in a while. And for guests who stay at Casa de Cuadro de Mierda, cleanliness is job one (or two, as the case may be, tee hee). That, and we're off to Cairns this coming weekend (it's mah birfday, it's mah birfday! Again, you may remember it from last year's birthday episode) and then it will have been like 20 years since I'd done good chores and mopped. Oh yeah, so, heads up, won't be checking in next weekend (to all two of you out there) as we don't return from the Cairns Adventure until Tuesday evening..... Hooray for Adventure!

And there you have it. Quiet, but that was almost to be expected with all the rain we've been having and when there's an Adventure waiting in the wings. But, hope you're all well up there - drop a line to let me know you're alive or if you have any questions about planning your trip down thisaway!


(P.S. This check-in was delayed due to some serious technical difficulties... internet connection flakey...... wouldn't upload photos or do much of anything, kept timing-out......... so much for wireless broadband.... I think my dial-up was faster and more reliable...... I got way too frustrated to fight it........ many, many apologies...)

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...