Sunday, December 12, 2010

Clawing through the Week with Friends!


Well. Here we are. A very rainy, yet warm,
Sunday evening. But still, the lorikeets are out there shouting it out with the crows, as per usual, with the odd kookaburra throwing in their two cents. Rain or no rain they're out there chattering away. 'Course, they're birds, so for the most part they don't have anywhere else to go when it rains... Not like into garages, under stuff, etc...... Man, it would kind of suck to be a bird when it rains this much, non-stop..... I'd hate to be a bird in Seattle. I wonder how they fly with such wet wings all the time? But I digress in the worst way.......... So yes, Sunday early evening, checking in a little early just for a change... Got a very cool Carlsberg beer, also just for a change, and on the radio, the very strange show tunes show that precedes the way groovy cool jazz show ("Jazz Track", on ABC radio, look it up, it's bitchin'!). Life is good!

So work. Yep. Actually had a little more to do this past week, which was good. Kinda. I don't like editing under the gun. I guess that's what they like to do sometimes, hand you a fairly large document/proposal and give you a mere few hours to edit it. Hmmm. That's ok I guess. Always wish for more time, but in this environment I guess you have to take what you can. Is all interesting tho. Finished a messy formatting job for a big document, gave it to the guy, he was happy. My boss is happy, I'm happy, happys all around! So yes, all seems to be going according to plan! Tho my co-workers are dying for the Xmas break. I can't say anything, I just had my totally awesome vacation so my sanity is pretty intact in that respect. But I understand. I guess that'll be me this time next year... If I can keep the gig that is. I'll be turning in my Citizenship Application this week. Work wrote a letter on my behalf begging Immigration to give me CShip. I don't like my chances but I have no choice except to try. Thing is, the gig is up in April if I don't get CShip..... Sooooo, I dunno what'll happen if I don't. All I can do is apply, keep doing a good job and see what happens when I don't get CShip! Fingers crossed they figure out a Plan B!? Otherwise, all is well. One and a half more weeks to go until we get 11 days off for good ol' Xmas! Hooray for work and hooray for a break!

And then there was the weekend. Well, it kinda started off early Tuesday evening when I met my friend Glen and his new fiancee Alison for dinner at Wagamama (Japanese fast food, is pretty good). They were only in town for 2 days for a conference. Haven't seen Glen in aaaaaages and had never met his gal before, so it was a fantastic but quick evening! Heading up to Cairns to visit them is going to be my next Adventure!

And then there was more early weekend fun Thursday evening when another friend of mine and Glen's from Cairns, Dave, came down to go see U2 with me! It was awesome! And we had such bitchin' seats (not to mention the stadium being walking distance from my house!)! I'd last seen U2 waaaaay back in '87 for their 'Joshua Tree' tour, and that was pretty bitchin' too. But this time they've since perfected the whole stage set theatrics thing. And this set, a 360 degree "Claw", was amazing. It'd be really neat to be a crew member working with it. Man, these sorts of fantastic stage concert sets and roller coasters - I wish I was clever enough to have been an engineer! Aside from the stage set, the show was way awesome. They still got it after all this time. I hate to sound so old, but I swear, bands today could take a page out of their book. Total professionals and just good at what they do. Which is why they're still here and thousands of other bands aren't. And why they can charge such stupid money for tickets and get it. Man. If you're into them, it's well worth it. A very good show!

And now the weekend. Very quiet
compared to the mid-week fun. But boy I needed the sleep. Can't party on a school night like I used to! And with the rain, and the fact that it's getting closer to Xmas and people are starting to totally lose their minds, I'm just not in the mood to do anything or go anywhere. And that's fine because I need to save mah money! But I did manage to get two loads of laundry and the ironing done, so I wasn't a complete couch-potato (hooray for the new, not yet dead, tv!)!

So there you have it. A bit of an Adventure was had. Was such a good concert, so happy I went. And happy to have had a quiet weekend, even if that makes me the Queen of Dull. I don't mind, and I know my dull royalty status makes the bank happy! But wooowweeee I wish this rain'd let up. Should be annnny week now. So by the time you book your tickets and come on down, the weather should be much better (if you don't mind the heat)! C'mon down!



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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...