Well. Here we are. A very rainy, yet warm, Sunday evening. But still, the lorikeets are out there shouting it out with the crows, as per usual, with the odd kookaburra throwing in their two cents. Rain or no rain they're out there chattering away. 'Course, they're birds, so for the most part they don't have anywhere else to go when it rains... Not like into garages, under stuff, etc...... Man, it would kind of suck to be a bird when it rains this much,
So work. Yep. Actually had a little more to do this past week, which was good. Kinda. I don't like editing under the gun. I guess that's what they like to do sometimes, hand you a fairly large document/proposal and give you a mere

And then there was the weekend. Well, it kinda started off early Tuesday evening when I met my friend Glen and his new fiancee Alison for dinner at Wagamama (Japanese fast food, is pretty good). They were only in town for 2 days for a conference. Haven't seen Glen in aaaaaages and had never met his gal before, so it was a fantastic but quick evening! Heading up to Cairns to visit them is going to be my next Adventure!

And now the weekend. Very quiet compared to the mid-week fun. But boy I needed the sleep. Can't party on a school night like I used to! And with the rain, and the fact that it's getting closer to Xmas
So there you have it. A bit of an Adventure was had. Was such a good concert, so happy I went. And happy to have had a quiet weekend, even if that makes me the Queen of Dull. I don't mind, and I know my dull royalty status makes the bank happy! But wooowweeee I wish this rain'd let up. Should be annnny week now. So by the time you book your tickets and come on down, the weather should be much better (if you don't mind the heat)! C'mon down!
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