Well. Another sunny Sunday evening. Am a
So work. Yep. Well, work in the traditional sense is still in a bit of a holding
So the week was good, quietly productive. Did take a break Thursday to meet my friend Dom who'd just returned from 2 weeks in Japan. We had lunch, wiggled our toes in his parents pool and headed into town for errands and a few drinks and more gossip. Was a most excellent day/evening and good to catch up. Now I want to visit Japan!
And then the weekend. Started off with a lovely Friday evening - I cooked dinner (Mexican of course) for friends at their house and we played board games until way past bedtimes. Ahhhh, almost becoming a most excellent Friday tradition!
And then Saturday started off with quick, basic chores in order to be fairly presentable for Kim when she came around, then we headed
And then today. Laundry. Busy with the little biz and researching pricing

And that's been basically that! Kinda dull, but no pay equals kinda dull. That's ok tho. Get biz up and running, get a little tolerable part-time gig, and life will be good. And speaking of a good life, onto the last installment of The Big Trip! We left our heroes on their way to New York City..........!
Week #4 - Sept. 21st - 28th
21st - We were awake at a fairly reasonable hour to catch a shuttle-bus from Washington DC to New York City (it was only $21 bucks one-way - so
24th - Brooklyn was the name of today's adventure! With the subway as our chariot we headed into lower Manhattan to the footpath across the Brooklyn Bridge, stopping for a bagel and coffee, as you do, then over the bridge we went. Ahhhhhhhhh my
25th - Today was a day to be vacilando, aimless
27th - Today we were up really early