Well. Am I happy that week is over. Sooooo busy and stressful. Thankfully it went pretty fast, for the most part. The last half dragged but Friday evening eventually appeared. And then the weekend. Ahhhhhhh. Peace!
So the week. Hmmm. Started off on a crazy, wild weather note Sunday evening with that huge storm. And then I think it was the Monday or Tuesday
So work. Yep. Is good. Still a bit up in the air if I'll be extended past the end of Dec. or not, but seeing as a guy from a "partner" department gave me a big-ish project to do, hopefully that means I'll have to hang around into the new year?! Fingers crossed. I really like my job and would love to stay. I hate the thought of looking for work. I live in hope!
Oh yeah, one really nice thing I did during the week was take a half-day on Wed to go with Dom (guy from work who also had the day off due to a much-needed visit to the dentist) to go to see the new James Bond movie in Gold Class! Yeeeaaahh! It was EXCELLENT! The movie was pretty good too......! I love splurging to see stuff in Gold Class (that's the little screening room sized cinema with the comfy seats and they bring you your food and drinks when you schedule them to. It's the best! It costs a little bit more, but ahhhh it's so worth it! And if you go mid-week it's about $11 bucks chea

And then the weekend! Hooray! Have done nothing! Chores yesterday but that's about as exciting
So there you are. Not as exciting as it has been, but a gal needs a break from such excitement every now and then! Hope you're all well up there! C'mon down!!!

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