Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fighting Thunderstorms with James Bond


Well. Am I happy that week is over. Sooooo busy and stressful. Thankfully it went pretty fast, for the most part. The last half dragged but Friday evening eventually appeared. And then the
weekend. Ahhhhhhh. Peace!

So the week. Hmmm. Started off on a crazy, wild weather note Sunday evening with that huge storm. And then I think it was the Monday or Tuesday
evening we got hit again, tho not as bad as Sunday, and again Wednesday evening.... I think. All I know is all week long one bad storm after another has blown through town. A couple neighborhoods near me haven't fared too well. My boss's house did ok through the first storm (couple bits of fence broken, terracotta pots broken, etc) but that second one got him with 4 feet of flooding. Bummer. My friend Jan had a huge gum tree dump itself onto the top of one of her sheds - the one with her car, purse, phone and brand-new, $1,000 air-conditioning unit inside. Poor Jan. And she just finished getting her place ready to sell, now she has to start all over....... Incredibly my dumpy apartment building is still here. Today is reallyreally windy tho, so I keep waiting for the big Eucalyptus tree out front to land in my kitchen or one of the palms along the side of my place to twist itself into either my bedroom or living room. The wind already tipped my poor little scooter over this morning! Scratched the bottom/side and skinned a bit off my throttle handle. Poor scooter. It's only little and look what happens in a big wind! So I picked the poor thing up (thankfully, easy enough to do as it is so small...) and parked it a bit closer to the units and near a short palm, to try to block some of the wind, or if it tips again, hopefully it'll go towards the palm. But otherwise, thankfully, the weekend has been glorious weather - bone dry and clear. They say this wind will die down in the evening. Hope so. Am just a bit stressed out worrying about the roof blowing off (it ain't exactly Grade A construction) or a tree moving in.........!

So work. Yep. Is good. Still a bit up in the air if I'll be extended past the end of Dec. or not, but seeing as a guy from a "partner" department gave me a big-ish project to do, hopefully that means I'll have to hang around into the new year?! Fingers crossed. I really like my job and would love to stay. I hate the thought of looking for work. I live in hope!

Oh yeah, one really nice thing I did during the week was take a half-day on Wed to go with Dom (guy from work who also had the day off due to a much-needed visit to the dentist) to go to see
the new James Bond movie in Gold Class! Yeeeaaahh! It was EXCELLENT! The movie was pretty good too......! I love splurging to see stuff in Gold Class (that's the little screening room sized cinema with the comfy seats and they bring you your food and drinks when you schedule them to. It's the best! It costs a little bit more, but ahhhh it's so worth it! And if you go mid-week it's about $11 bucks cheaper than on evenings or weekends. Cooool). But the movie was really pretty good. I have to say I haven't liked a James Bond movie in yeeeeeeaars. Probably since they started in the 80's with the crazy chases and effects. And then in the Brosnan years, well, they just got goofy stupid. But with Daniel Craig, they've stripped it down to the story and the character, no flashy unbelievable explosions, no stupid special effects or any of that hooey; in fact, in these last 2 there hasn't even been any Q with his goofy gadgets! I really like this direction they're taking. 'Course, am a huge fan of the books. I must say I really liked it. I highly recommend it if you're thinking of watching them again!

And then the weekend! Hooray! Have done nothing! Chores yesterday but that's about as exciting as it's gotten. I tell you, after the week that was, doing nothing is exactly what I wanted. New car or not (tho I must say the novelty of driving to work isn't going to wear off for a long time)! I just think with the stress of the storms and worrying about if my crappy apartment is going to come apart (and why not - nicer places than mine have, just a neighborhood down the road!), and with the stress of not knowing if I have a job in 6 weeks, yeah, I've been ready to just sit and read and nap.

So there you are. Not as exciting as it has been, but a gal needs a break from such excitement every now and then! Hope you're all well up there! C'mon down!!!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gem + Beach + Storm = My Week


Well. What a crazy week that was. It went amazingly fast. And I got not a lot done, or so it seemed; except for Thursday and Friday. And then there was the briefest glimpse of a weekend in there too. Man. Time really does fly, even when you seem to be standing perfectly still.

So work. Yep. Is good. I actually sat down and made a spreadsheet of alllll the stuff I’ve done (ok, well, most of it anyways. I have a terrible memory – go the fish oil vitamins!) pretty much since I’ve started, but really detailing the stuff I’ve done over the last 5 weeks that my boss has been away on vacation. Because he really will sit me down tomorrow first thing and demand to know what I’ve been up to. And by looking at my 3 page spreadsheet, I guess I could say I’ve been pretty busy. I just knew it! But I hope he understands it all…… I feel like I’ll be singing for my supper this week as I’m waiting to know if I’ll be extended past December. Fingers crossed.

And the week had a gem hidden away in there……………… Thursday dawned like any other day…. By 10am I’d test driven a used car, by Friday 4pm, I was the proud owner of a 1998 Mitsubishi Magna (I think it’s a Diamante up there) sedan. And $5,750 of brand spanking new debt. But I have wheels! 2 more than what I had before and a cover! Waaaahhhooooo! FREEDOM!!!! ‘Course, didn’t take it anywhere all weekend. But, there’s no rush, ‘cos I own it! Pics to come soon (it’s bucketing cats and dogs at the moment, actually, it has been for the better part of half the day, but that’s another story too).

And then the weekend. Saturday was the minimum amount of chores as it was hot enough to melt the new paint I’ve painted in the kitchen. So, in light of having to sing for my supper at work, I worked on my spreadsheet of accomplishments. Next thing it’s time for a shower (heat and humidity unbearable at this stage) and then a glass of wine and a Humphrey Bogart movie. By 8.15pm I was comatose on the couch. What an exciting life it is living here in the land down under. Crikey!

And today dawned bright and blue, and me and the kids from work were off to the Sunshine Coast for a day at the beach. We’ve been planning this for weeks and yet all week long the weather reports threatened a wicked storm for allllll day Sunday. Not to be put off, we headed up anyways. It was perfect where we were – Dickeys Beach just outside of Caloundra, about an hour and a half north of the City. And it was a dog beach, and there’s nothing more fun than to watch pups run amuck in the sea. It was excellent. What an absolutely beautiful day we had. And the water was perfect and the waves gave us all a good workout. We had the best day. Dom brought his boogie board and everyone had a go. It was so fun. I haven’t been on a boogie board since I was a kid. It was the best. And I have a new set of sunburn patterns to prove it! Buuuuut, on the way back home, not only did we hit the Sunday afternoon traffic, we hit the terrible storm the weather folks had been threatening all week. Holy cow. I haven’t been caught in a storm like that in years, if ever. Lauren did an absolute textbook job of getting us through it without having to pull over (more dangerous than continuing on). It was scary but we got through it. Casting my Swiss cheese memory back, I can’t recall ever being caught in such torrential rain and wind and lightning than what we went through this evening. But here I am, safe, sunburned and happy. What a fantastic day. Funny, there’ll be 5 of us in our work department with sunburns and smiles. Ahhhhh! And, bonus – the weather seems to think it’s going to rain all week. But that’s ok, ‘cos I can drive to work! Before I used to watch the weather for clear, sunny, scooter ridin’ days – now I hope for rain! Well, kinda. You know how I mean. Hooray!

And that’s pretty much that! So now no more spending. No more sprees to Ikea. No more fancy dinners out. Must save for bills and an Adventure to the US. Have I mentioned that the kids from personal, guided tour across the US. But, it all depends on a couple things – if I have a job and if our bosses will let the 3 of us go (me and Lauren in the same room, plus Dom in our same department) for 4 weeks. We’ll see. It’s not official yet. We should know, well, if I have a job, in the next couple of weeks. And we should know if we can go, hopefully by January (if I have a job). So yes, fingers crossed for all kinds of good luck! Will keep you posted! In the meantime – c’mon down! Hurry before the heat and humidity really kick in!



Sunday, November 09, 2008

Halloween Capers & Ikea


Well. Am sorry for not checking in last week. I'm pretty sure it was a busy week and then it was, I'm pretty sure, a really bu
sy weekend..... And this week was kinda the same. But busy with stuff, not fun busy.... well, ok some of it was fun, but not Adventure fun. Hmmm.

So yes, work. Yep. Is good. I really like my job and as the time passes I seem to be getting my head around it all a bit more. But I will take this opportunity to mention that a gal at work in my old department got busted for whining about work on her MySpace Blog. Yeah. I've never been so bad, but, will suffice to say, I love my job, the coworker with the nose out of joint is still out of joint, my boss is still away on vacation, back next week - which is when the nail biting really starts for me; am on tenterhooks as to whether or not I'll be extended in my current contract (ending 31st Dec). As a matter of fact (and not corporate bitching), he told our acting boss that he actually has no idea what I do most of the time and to keep an eye on me. Yeah. So when he gets back from 5 weeks of vacation, I have to hope that he's in a good enough mood to just extend my contract without thinking about it too much. He's been told by numerous people what I do but he seems to have a selective memory.

Ok. I think have just broken the Corporate Bitching via Internet Rules.

Don't care cos no one at work will find my random little outburst if they tried (she says semi-confidently).

So, fingers crossed I get extended. I did actually just apply for a job a level above mine in my old department. I had like 3 people (the folks I do most of my work for, ironically e
nough) push me into doing it. Am not really qualified, or if I am it's in the broadest of terms. We'll see. I had to turn my application in late and I had to ask the contact gal (who'd also be my boss, whom I kinda know from department's past) if I could turn in my application in late, no less. Not a good start. Nevertheless, she took it and is short-listing tomorrow, so we'll see what shakes down from that. My old boss, from said Department Past, kinda hinted to me when I was there that this gig might come up, so I sort of felt like I'd be letting him down if I didn't apply. So! We'll see what happens!!!? Otherwise, all's well, I got my big project from the printing house and have started distributing it, and so far everyone seems pretty happy with it. Good!

And then there were a couple weekends in there........ Last week, well, it's kind of, well, foggy. The one shining thing I do remember, no, two shining things, no, actually three shining things are, starting with Friday after work - I went with Bruce and his two 14 year old sons to the Manly Halloween Parade. They don't really do Halloween here, but more so than in NZ. It really is an American tradition (cool), but like it or lump it it's catching on here. So this neighborhood, Manly/Wynnum (about 1/2 hour, 45 minutes from the City on the train east towards the bay) throws a massive block party on Halloween, complete with booths (not many) and a big parade. Bless 'em for bothering. I have to say, I had the best time! Then Bruce and I and the 2 boys headed to another suburb for a friend of his' Halloween party. Eh. Not so good. But we all bobbed for apples (I don't think I did that even when I was a kid), and can I just say I got mine on the 3rd grab. Yeah! But we didn't stay long. Such a good night overall tho. His kids are way cool. Far cooler than I was or anyone else at the same age back in the 80's was. They're really funny and cluey (smart/quick/clever, as the locals say) and just interesting. It was neat to meet them and they apparently liked me! Cool!

And that Saturday was recovery and chores (sorta). Then that Sunday I went with Sarah to one of
The Happiest Places on Earth - Ikea! I spent a small fortune, but on stuff I've been wanting. Need? Not so much, but want - yes. Bookshelves. And some bits. I love the place, I don't care what anyone says. If you think about it, you go into any other furniture store, the prices are pretty much the same if not more for the same particle-board crap. It's just the design and color that's different. And the fact that at Ikea, 9 times outta ten you have to put it together yourself, which keeps it cheap. Hmmm. And, too, with Ikea, you get what you pay for - like anywhere else. You want Oak, you pay for Oak, etc. That's my rationale and I'm stickin' to it! Anyways, later that evening was celebratory drinks with a bunch of firemen who'd passed their test to go from regular firefighter to station officer. Am a bit hazy on what a station officer does exactly, and I probably should know for my job, but how it works is the guys (and gals) who passed put $200 bucks + on the bar and everyone drinks to celebrate their new lofty status. I was invited to "network". Well, it was a good night, I did meet some new folks and caught up with some that I work with all the time. But out of work and in civilian clothes, with drinks in their hands, it's always far more interesting! But unfortunately that night went a bit longer than sensibility dictated. Thankfully I'd already scheduled to have the next day, Monday, off. So that next day I feebly put together my Ikea stuff and napped. Sad.

And then it was into another week. Went fast and uneventfully. Friday after
work a little group of us went to dinner at the pub next to work. It was nice and ended early. Saturday was chores, in 90 degree heat with a million percent humidity. After I finished that it was off to Bruce's house in Wynnum (again!) for a BBQ with his family. It was fantastic. But I unfortunately stayed past my bus times and had to impose on their spare room. Then this morning it was up early and back into the City to meet with a small group of folks from work for brunch and a wander around the Riverside markets, followed by a glass of wine and a pedicure.

I swear, sometimes I write this stuff and can't believe it's me doing this stuff.
'Course, it's not like it's scaling Mt. Everest........

And now here I am! WHEW! Tho I must say, in my travels today, I did buy an awesome old-school blues cd by a guy from Melbourne - you'd never in a million years guess that he's A) White, B) Australian or C) Released this cd in March of this year. It's sooooooo good! C.W. Stoneking "Jungle Blues". If you're into that kinda music, I highly recommend it. Oh, and I did have five minutes to myself at some point during the week where I was able to watch "The Prestige". Man. It was fantastic. I haven't seen a movie like that in yeeeeaarrss. I highly recommend it if you're into 1800's magician themes.

So there you are! Busybusybusy! Hopefully this week will be quiet and low-budget. I hope you're all well up there. I'll apologize here and now, again and again, for being so rotten with writing emails. I guess because I write this once a week and am on the computer all day everyday at work..... nah, lame excuses all of them. Am sorry. Either way, hope you're all well up there and are planning your trip down here!!!!?


Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...