Well. Here we are. Another glorious, sunny, Sunday afternoon. No storms, no hot, no humid = perfect weather. It's been beautiful all weekend. In fact, the last few weeks have been really, really nice - no storms like they've been predicting for every day, which is a huge bummer for the plants and grass but they usually recover after a quick sprinkle. Yes, the weather's been perfect - the birds are relaxed and chirpy-happy with the
gentle breeze to carry them along. Kona is happy to have a balcony to chill out on, occasionally getting yelled at by the odd Noisy Miner but he just ignores them and keeps napping (good boy, because those stupid birds are a protected species!). But we're here now - got a nice, cool glass of the standby white Stoneleigh Sauv Blanc, got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, got a little breeze shuffling the happy clean sheets around on the laundry line outside, Kona is napping happily somewhere in the new, vast, spacious Hacienda - yes, life is good.
So work. Yep. Is good. Still being data entry monkeys, but
as we've all agreed, if they want to pay us good money to do data entry, well, that's OK by us. And the best (only) perk is that it most certainly makes the day, even the week, simply fly by. Other than that, there isn't much to report. Again, always happy to have someplace to be and get paid decent to be there!
And then there was the weekend. Quiet. Not as productive as I'd hoped but as I learned from running errands last weekend, if I leave the house I spend money. And right now, with my head full of interior design ideas, staying home is the safest place for me and my bank
account! Now, if I could have three days off I know I could get more done..... Hell, to get a head start on this weekend, I did all the chores Friday night. Yet come Saturday, I only had the energy to just fluff around. Tho I did muster enough energy to load the dishwasher and run it. Ver-ee exciting. I haven't had a dishwasher since my first [nice] place in Spring Hill - and even then I never used it. But man, sooooo nice to have! Such clean! Such sparkle! Otherwise, I'd really like to finish unpacking but I'm still unsure about the entertainment unit area thingy, so those boxes are still stacked up in a couple places...... And annoying me. Yeah, I really should just bite the bullet and put the stuff I'm not sure about on eBay and get stuff I want, or that will suit the space better........ Hmmm. 

I took a few more photos of the place... Again, they're not glamor photos, but hopefully they'll be
just enough to give you a rough idea. I even took a few little videos but the interwebs and I disagree about file size, so in a folder they shall remain.Stoopid interwebs. But so far so good - I'm really glad I moved. It's quiet, breezy, gets a nice amount of light, it's solid, safe and clean...... The bank isn't so happy I moved with the new rent that
has to be paid, but I'm happy. Will be even happier when I can dress the place up a bit better/differently....... It's a nice space and I'd like to do it up a little....... $$$$ ! One day.........! 
Otherwise all is well. Quiet, but good. Ohhh, hee, one little thing - today is Kona's eighth "Birthday",
or rather, eight years ago today I adopted him from the RSPCA!
Wow. Eight years. That was quick. Still, it's been fun and interesting
if nothing else with that cat-dog! But other than that, there's not much
to report really, sadly. But like I said, the bank account is safer if I
stay home, and the next couple of weeks a couple of big bills
have to be paid so really have to keep an eye on the ol' dough...... And then, before we know it, I'll be up there for a visit - YAY! Looking forward to coming up... Mmmmmm Mexican foooood!!!!

So there you have it. Short and sweet with a little dull sprinkled on top. Oh well, boring for you, boring for me, thrilling for the bank! Say, drop a line if you have any design hints or tips! Gee, you'd think I'd have this design stuff down after all the experience I had in the Palace...... Apparently not.... Or maybe I do I just don't have the checkbook to back it up! Hope you're all well up there - see you soon!Oh, and hey, I mean it - get planning and c'mon down - you can have your own room! Waahhooooo!