Sunday, May 25, 2014

Settling Into the Hacienda.......!

Cat-Dog Bunny Feet....

Well. Here we are. Another glorious, sunny, Sunday afternoon. No storms, no hot, no humid = perfect weather. It's been beautiful all weekend. In fact, the last few weeks have been really, really nice - no storms like they've been predicting for every day, which is a huge bummer for the plants and grass but they usually recover after a quick sprinkle. Yes, the weather's been perfect - the birds are relaxed and chirpy-happy with theKona is not impressed with..... Much. gentle breeze to carry them along. Kona is happy to have a balcony to chill out on, occasionally getting yelled at by the odd Noisy Miner but he just ignores them and keeps napping (good boy, because those stupid birds are a protected species!). But we're here now - got a nice, cool glass of the standby white Stoneleigh Sauv Blanc, got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, got a little breeze shuffling the happy clean sheets around on the laundry line outside, Kona is napping happily somewhere in the new, vast, spacious Hacienda - yes, life is good.

So work. Yep. Is good. Still being data entry monkeys, but
New and improved way to enter data into a computer......
as we've all agreed, if they want to pay us good money to do data entry, well, that's OK by us. And the best (only) perk is that it most certainly makes the day, even the week, simply fly by. Other than that, there isn't much to report. Again, always happy to have someplace to be and get paid decent to be there!

And then there was the weekend. Quiet. Not as productive as I'd hoped but as I learned from running errands last weekend, if I leave the house I spend money. And right now, with my head full of interior design ideas, staying home is the safest place for me and my bank
The dining/storage area..... Hmm.
account! Now, if I could have three days off I know I could get more done..... Hell, to get a head start on this weekend, I did all the chores Friday night. Yet come Saturday, I only had the energy to just fluff around. Tho I did muster enough energy to load the dishwasher and run it. Ver-ee exciting. I haven't had a dishwasher since my first [nice] place in Spring Hill - and even then I never used it. But man, sooooo nice to have! Such clean! Such sparkle! Otherwise, I'd really like to finish unpacking but I'm still unsure about the entertainment unit area thingy, so those boxes are still stacked up in a couple places...... And annoying me. Yeah, I really should just bite the bullet and put the stuff I'm not sure about on eBay and get stuff I want, or that will suit the space better........ Hmmm. Couch area.... Hmm...

I took a few more photos of the place... Again, they're not glamor photos, but hopefully they'll beTV area.... Hmm.... just enough to give you a rough idea. I even took a few little videos but the interwebs and I disagree about file size, so in a folder they shall remain.Stoopid interwebs. But so far so good - I'm really glad I moved. It's quiet, breezy, gets a nice amount of light, it's solid, safe and clean...... The bank isn't so happy I moved with the new rent that
The living area.... Hmmm.
has to be paid, but I'm happy. Will be even happier when I can dress the place up a bit better/differently....... It's a nice space and I'd like to do it up a little....... $$$$ ! One day.........! 

Otherwise all is well. Quiet, but good. Ohhh, hee, one little thing - today is Kona's eighth "Birthday",Kona - about 10 weeks. Soooooo cute! or rather, eight years ago today I adopted him from the RSPCA! Wow. Eight years. That was quick. Still, it's been fun and interesting if nothing else with that cat-dog! But other than that, there's not much to report really, sadly. But like I said, the bank account is safer if I stay home, and the next couple of weeks a couple of big bills Kona - More tiny cute! have to be paid so really have to keep an eye on the ol' dough...... And then, before we know it, I'll be up there for a visit - YAY! Looking forward to coming up... Mmmmmm Mexican foooood!!!!

So there you have it. Short and sweet with a little dull sprinkled on top. Oh well, boring for you, boring for me, thrilling for the bank! Say, drop a line if you have any design hints or tips! Gee, you'd think I'd have this design stuff down after all the experience I had in the Palace...... Apparently not.... Or maybe I do I just don't have the checkbook to back it up! Hope you're all well up there - see you soon!Oh, and hey, I mean it - get planning and c'mon down - you can have your own room! Waahhooooo!

Happy flowers... In QLD somewhere!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

From Palace to Hacienda!

Sidewalk graffitti.....

Well. Here we are. A bit late, but there're always good reasons why the delay...... Moving tends to have that effect on a routine (looking at you, phone company)......! But we're here now - got the cool hip happenin' jazz tunes, the birds are out there chattering away and being tossed around by the breeze under clouds that like to think they're going to rain but haven't in over a week and some, and this time, instead of the standby white, I have my favorite beer - Sierra Nevada Pale Ale! OK, so it's like three times the price here as it is there, but so is everything else. Just happy they even have it this far away from the Sierra Nevada's! Ahhhh yes, life is good!

Just another day at the office.......So work. Yep. Is good. Busy being little data entry monkeys. Our Manager got it in his head to create a database of alllllll the chemicals our customer uses, which will one day link to all our publications. Meanwhile, who do you think gets to input, check and double-check all 650+ chemicals? Yes, that would be us - all six of us working flat-out over the last two weeks putting all this boring data into a big database. Fun. The only positive I will give it is it makes the day go by super fast. Not like there was ever a problem passing the time before, but wooooowweeeee, will be happy to see the end of this little project! Otherwise, work is good. Happy to have permanent gainful employment - that novelty just never gets old (nor has it totally sunk in yet)!

New Digs - Living room/dining room/balcony...And then there were a few weekends in there. Well. That first weekend of the 3rd/4th was spent moving and settling into the new digs! Hired a moving company (two young Brazilian dudes) with what I thought was a decent sized truck and in the end we walked every single one of my worldly possessions from The Palace to the new place (yetNew Digs - Dining room/kitchen/entry... to be named - am thinking The Casita, The Hacienda.... something along those lines....)! And for half of the day it rained! Thankfully not on anything that would melt tho, just the boxes. And once all the dust settled and the boys drove away with their fistful of $384 dollars, I looked around and realized I have too much stuff. Yeah. Who'da thunk it??? From a teeny place of zero storage to a normal place with closets and stuff, New Digs - Walk-through bathroom from one bedroom to the other.....not to mention a whole second bedroom, and I have too much stuff. Well, put it this way, the stuff I do have is, well, not a lot, but kinda awkward. I don't know how else to describe it. It's like wearing shoes that are slightly too big....... So.... huh. Guess it's time for an interior re-design (am leaning towards beach/coastal chic....)! But only after the savings account recovers from the battle damage, of course. But all in all it's gonna be/is awesome, once all the boxes are unpacked, some of the furniture gets sold with new stuff in its place....... Honestly, it's way bitchin' - just like normal people. So the rent is almost double what I used to pay, I get a quiet place,
New Digs - The guest room/office with the too-big-now desk!
secure, warm and dry, with windows I can see out of, a balcony that can fit a couple chairs and a little table, a perfectly normal kitchen with a dishwasher, a little bath tub that fits me fine (anyone bigger might be a little uncomfortable), a carport that's solid and dry, and bonus - Kona is legal, which is suuuuper rare in these here parts. Oh, and the new real estate agency actually seem competent and friendly, and they're only across the street from my PO Box, Doctor, groceries, newspapers, etc. Niiiiice. It's worth the money. Definitely. So get your stuff together and get down here for a visit! OK, well, after I get a bed, a little dresser/desk thingy to put your stuff in, coupla more hangars, some pillows, sheets.......!

New Digs - Little balcony.....
And then last weekend was more of the same, only with more of a cleaning bent to it. Oh, and a little break from the boxes and chores, for a few hours on Sunday I got to hang out with my very pregnant friend Kim, who was actually due to have her little baby girl this weekend but baby's had other ideas and has so far decided to stay put. Fair enough. So we just ran around and shopped (she did really well for being super pregnant), had some lunch and generally just caught up on everything. Was super good to see her, and her husband Carlos, briefly. Can't wait to see their new little baby once she finally arrives! And then it was home to more chores and laundry. Put it this way - I was still doing chores at 8pm! Which is OK I guess - I still haven't replaced the TV so it's not like there was some awesome movie I was missing... Or maybe there was, I just didn't know...... Again, something to be rectified once the savings recover. Probably after I get back from visiting up there.....!

The Palace - From another view.....
So there you have it! The new place is great, or will be eventually once I get settled. Funny thing is, I can totally see (and hear, a little) the old Palace next door, because, well, it is right next door, but nothing like it was living there, which is a big, peaceful relief. In a way I miss it, but not really. So c'mon down - I have normal digs! YAY!

Happy Hibiscus from the ol' Spring Hill Digs!

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...