Well. Here we are! Been ages since I was able to check in. All I can say is that it's been H O T these last few weekends. Like, hot. That first weekend it was I-wish-I-was-dead hot. It was, roughly, 115 degrees, with about 60-70% humidity, inside the little apartment, for almost three days. In fact, it was probably hotter inside considering there's no insulation in the ceiling and a silver, tin roof with zero shade..... Now I know what all those pies feel like in my toaster oven! And then the next few weekends haven't been as hot, but way too hot to either think or risk turning on the poor little laptop.
So after that horrible weekend, first thing I did was order a portable air
So that's why it's been so long since checking in last. Bummer dude, but it's summer and that's what it does here. But we're here now, have a nice glass of my favorite champagne, Cattier, got some hip n' groovy jazz tunes (thank you SkyFM!), just brought in the happy clean laundry so birds don't crap on it during their evening gab session.... Ahhhhh, yes, life is good!
So work. Yep. Is good. I worked through the whole holiday exodus, which was
And then there were a few weekends in there....... Well, that last weekend I
checked in was New Year's... Yeah, didn't do anything. Watched a couple movies, struggled to stay awake to watch the fireworks in Sydney (errr, on TV that is, I wasn't actually in Sydney.... tho one year I will.....), then went right to bed. Yep, pretty dull - and that was OK by me!
And then the last few weekends have basically been a hot and humid blur of a helluva lot of wasted time. Haven't been up to much because I really haven't been able/wanted to.... Oh sure, I could hop in the car and go somewhere, but when it's that hot, everyone has the same beach/movie/mall/museum idea and the places are mob-scenes. And then I'll just end up spending money. So I was safer suffering at home. Which, in the end, has
So there you have it! Apologies for not being able to check in, but as you can see, not much has been missed. Maybe that's what I'll do, just check in every few weekends if things have been rather dull. And then when something exciting happens, I'll check in.......? Hmmmmmm.......
Otherwise, I hope you're all well up there, defrosting from winter.......?! Hey, you want to defrost, I got yer defrost all over down here! C'mon down!