Well. Another Sunday has come and is going....... The weather has been glorious, which is awesome because we've had nothing but rain rain rain since January. It's weather like this that makes you happy to live here (and worth enduring the stinking hot and humid summers)!
So work. Yep. Is good. Thankfully not too busy. In fact, it's been quiet enough that we all took this last Thursday
And then there were a few weekends in there. Sorry for not checking in last weekend. I'm trying to think what I did to not check in...... I know not much has been happening worth reporting..... the usual really - chores...... That week/end I was trying to get through an epic French version of
Otherwise, I can't recall why I didn't check in. I know there hasn't been much to shout about really.... Thankfully no banzai trips to Ikealand (my wallet thanks me profusely)...... Since booking the visit home and hosting a cousin/friend the first week of July, am really needing to save mah $$$$$. And you know how it is the second you leave the house money vanishes somehow..... At least with my wallet that's what happens.
Anyways, this extended weekend was nice, tho pretty quiet. Thursday I baked cinnamon rolls from scratch - labor intensive but pretty good. It was times like that I wish I had a normal kitchen with normal working spaces and a normal stove. But me and the little ol' toaster oven managed. They came out pretty good (shared them with all the neighbors) but not sure how often I'd want to spend 6 hours on a weekend baking one thing.......... Eh, it was an experiment! Next time am going to give some of these Mexican recipes a try..............
And then Friday was a sort of interesting day - I went to visit my neighbor in the hospital (he's the guy with Motor Neuron Disease). Got to his rehab center only to find out they'd sent him to
the emergency room because he was having lots of trouble breathing. Long story short, he's ok but man, I'm glad it wasn't me. I'd've lost my patience with the ER/Acute Care staff in no time. But the thing is, tho he was ok (more or less, certainly not on death's door), once you're in the system, you have to just ride through it. And in his case, tho he was ok, he couldn't just get up and walk out like I would've done (errr, he can't - needs help and a wheelchair). So that was a real exercise in patience. I feel bad for him but he's getting the care he needs and that's all anyone can ask. And that pretty much took up the whole day with the errands, bus rides, hanging out at the hospital, bus rides back.............
And then yesterday was quiet, relaxing. Tho later I met up with my friend Kim and we wandered up to the movie theatre to see if anything good was worth seeing (no) so we sat and had a couple glasses of wine before heading back to Kookaburra Cafe for dinner (this time I had the