Well. Here we are. Late. Pretty late. Part of it is because of being busy and getting in too late and not having a maid, and the other part can be attributed to sheer laziness. But, we're here now - the sun is shining bright and happy, the birds, especially those chatty lorikeets, have been out there twittering away. It's a breezy, warm afternoon, but thankfully not too humid. Gotta love every season here that's not summer! Have got the groovy internet jazz tunes, tho it's a bit early for the glass of white wine.... even tho it's a part of the "ritual" that is checking in........ maybe just a small one........ I have a new favorite stand-by white wine - Jacob's Creek Cool Harvest Pinto Grigio - mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Life is good!
So. Work. Yep. Is really good. A couple weeks back they FINALLY coughed up an extended 12-month contract and a permanent transfer from my home
And then there were a few weekends in there.... I'll do my best to cast mah memory back....... Oh, I remember, that first Saturday I
And then that Sunday I was unable to check in because I'd gone up to visit my friend Kim at her place in her 'hood of Brendale (the
And then there was this lovely 4 day weekend - hooray for Easter! Friday I didn't do much at all. Read my book, thought about the new movie I want to write (have been inspired by David's brother-in-law), watched an HBO movie "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" (pretty good but so sad) and a few episodes of "The Big C" (not the most upbeat of subject matters considering I have a good friend diagnosed with stage 4 Melanoma, but a most excellent show with good humor and a great cast). That was Friday - lovely!
Saturday was up and out early with Kim and her friend Roger who

Yesterday, Sunday, was a bit of laundry and a trip into town to meet up with a friend from work (one of the very few folks I'll hang out with outside of work) for a few

Oh, and a mini-milestone - for the first time in over 5 years I have finally been able to put my hair in
And there you have it. See? You weren't missing much at all. Although there're no Adventures on the books yet (amazing!), with