Well. Here we are - finally. Sorry for the delay. One excuse can be attributed to sheer laziness, the other is that a small-ish Adventure was had, thus delaying my checking-in! But, we're here now on a lovely and, well, neither warm or cold, just about perfect temperature actually, tho very cloudy with the odd splash of rain now and then. But boy, those birds have been out there chattering away like mad all day. Happy birds with all the rain we've had, must be worms and little bugs everywhere! Anyways, we're here now with the lovely weather, got clean laundry and a clean little apartment, got the nice cool glass of stand-by white wine, life is good!
So work. Yep. Is good. They appear to getting one step closer to figuring out what to do with me. Last week my 2 bosses and I had a sit-down where they told me what my future holds... mainly that they've so far managed to decide to transfer me permanently to the F/A-18 Technical Publications team (my foster home since Sept), thus severing my ties with my former home with the Communication

Day Two started with a room service breakfast (!!!!) and was originally planned to be filled with
This is a good little map that shows where all I walked, you can see it
Day Three saw a very late start but still managed to get mahself down to the dining room in time to catch the end of the first wave of hungry tourists. Breakfast was very good and very filling with lovely views out over
And finally, that brings us to this weekend. Well, it simply pales
So there you have it! Many apologies for the tardiness, but now you know why (usually always a good-ish reason). I hope you're all well up there. Say, now that we're well into March, I guess you know that means the hot humid of summer is past and that you're safe to come on down for a visit.....!? It'll be perfect until December or so........ Just sayin'.................!