Well. Here we are, another slightly breezy, warm and very humid late afternoon. The birds have been out there twittering happily away over the last week as we've had that much rain I bet the grass looks like an over-flowing grocery store of worms and bugs = happy birds! I'm actively avoiding the strange show tunes radio show as I heard the gal say they were going to play music from all the Oscar-nominated films this year. Not sure why I'd avoid the music really, it's the Oscars I think I'm avoiding. But never mind, with my jazzy new flashy pants internet, have decided to stream radio from the SkyFM interwebs radio.... cooooolllll..... Otherwise, have the lovely cool glass of stand-by white wine. Hey, speaking of, I got the coolest thing ever to help a glass of wine...... OK, so I don't know what's it's brand name is, but it's an aerator - you hold it over the glass as you pour the wine through it and through the magic of physics and a couple of well-placed holes it sort of slurps the wine as it goes into the glass. I swear it makes such a difference. Tho the
Otherwise, apologies for not checking in last weekend. I was cranky. Super cranky. Had a cape, a
So work. Yep. The one job is quite good (my foster department) and the other job is not so good (biological department). And in between, no one can decide what to do with me. Tho they ever so kindly threw their yearly bonus at me to
And then there were the weekends. Well, you know all about last weekend and the crankiness that
