Well. Sunday, late afternoon. Little early, but might as well, have finished most of the chores.......... The birds are out there with a few chittering away, but I think most of them are hiding in the cool shade of... whatever they can find. Most of them are probably too busy panting. They're pretty chatty in the mornings but I guess by evening they're too tired from trying to get used to summer arriving so early. One thing I can hear is a group of kids playing in what must be a pool (so jealous. I totally wish I was a kid playing in a pool right now), and I assume it's a pool because when did you ever play "Marco Polo" on land??? But, have the cool glass of stand-by white wine, am just in time for the strange show tunes radio show (aside from Judy Garland and Danny Elfman, good god they're playing songs from "Annie"), there's a cool-ish breeze to push the hot air around - life is good!
So work. Yep, is pretty good. Have been bloody busy the last couple of weeks, which is just awesome considering I had 8+ months to prepare. I like being busy, makes the day/week go by.
And then there was a brief bright spark in the week - Thursday evening I

And then there was the weekend. I must say, by the end of the week I was really beat. So I spent yesterday doing laundry and watching
And today was much the same. Got the ironing done. I figured it was already hot, I wasn't gonna do it at night, might as well get all the hot done at once. Meant to vacuum and clean too but it was too hot for that kinda stuff. So I sat here and restocked on toiletries from Walgreens. And Bisquick from Amazon. Again, another quiet yet constructive day! All I can say is HopShopGo is either the best or worst web-service I've ever come across. Good for staving off homesickness, baaaad for bank account.
And that, sadly, is that. Summer is here, so weekends not filled with Adventure will be